Things I Hate

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I always get obsessive with that stuff too, and always check again after it was sent. Wasn't a word typo, but the sentence structure had a hiccup in it I didn't notice.
We could use some snakes in NYC. The rodents here are completely out of control, I trapped four mice in my apartment just two weeks ago.
Would you think about getting a cat? Or is that a no no under your landlord?

I think... a cat's allowed. I'm not really a cat person, though. I know you have a few, do they kill mice in your house?

how did you get them?

I'm not exactly sure. I don't think my building's infested, because my two adjacent neighbors said they haven't been getting any. I think they're coming through the bottom of my door. The heaters on the walls have some holes around them, too. I corked them up with some steel wool, but I'm not sure if that's enough...
I think... a cat's allowed. I'm not really a cat person, though. I know you have a few, do they kill mice in your house?

I'm not exactly sure. I don't think my building's infested, because my two adjacent neighbors said they haven't been getting any. I think they're coming through the bottom of my door. The heaters on the walls have some holes around them, too. I corked them up with some steel wool, but I'm not sure if that's enough...

Yeah my one caught a few pretty easily. I have three now, two are adopted. I haven't seen a mouse in years now.
I keep hearing scratches and squeaks in the walls, but I haven't found any mice since around two weeks ago. There's also an army of black waterbugs that came into my bathroom last week :gah:.

But, just so you guys know, I'm a pretty clean guy :lol. I don't drop food or crumbs on the floor, take my garbage out every night and I vacuum the sheet out of everything. Dunno what's going on in my place, though..
Water bugs and mice have nothing to do with being dirty. Philly gets a lot of rain, and most summers I get water bugs from it, although last year I didn't see one.
I keep hearing scratches and squeaks in the walls, but I haven't found any mice since around two weeks ago. There's also an army of black waterbugs that came into my bathroom last week :gah:.

But, just so you guys know, I'm a pretty clean guy :lol. I don't drop food or crumbs on the floor, take my garbage out every night and I vacuum the sheet out of everything. Dunno what's going on in my place, though..

Try getting some peppermint oil. Mice hate that. If you want to use poison, use D-Con Rat poison (not mice).
I think I've seen one or two rodents at most since I've lived in this house, and I'm out in the country. I find fiddlebacks practically every other day though. Scorpions in the Summer.

I wish I saw more snakes...
I get an occasional mouse in my basement, but the D-Con takes care of those. They're field mice. It's been quite awhile though.

I hate earwigs. :monkey4
I keep hearing scratches and squeaks in the walls, but I haven't found any mice since around two weeks ago. There's also an army of black waterbugs that came into my bathroom last week :gah:.

But, just so you guys know, I'm a pretty clean guy :lol. I don't drop food or crumbs on the floor, take my garbage out every night and I vacuum the sheet out of everything. Dunno what's going on in my place, though..

Adopt a cat, they truly are great. Mine catches mice and just sets them on the floor, facing the backyard window/door for us to see. they are extremely proud of their achievements (catching the sob's) and they show their appreciation to you by doing so. At first, it freaked me the **** out, but I started reading about cats behavior and it's actually a thing. I always reward him with a tuna in water can when he does that.

We don't have any inside the house, but the yard is another story as our neighbor is a dirty, filthy pig. Also, she's a woman.