It's the 17th right now in Hong Kong. So pre order wouldn't be tomorrow for USA, would it?looks like it goes up 19th hong kong time which would be tomorrow usa time.
Play Arts and NECA (Dead Space 2 anyway) had rotatable Plasma Cutters....
If you have the Engineer Suit, it's not rotatable. Dead Space 2 is rotatable.I have the neca, i dont remember it being rotatable. Never got the playarts so at least there's that. Hopefully threezero makes it rotate.
my bad i meant the 18th which is the 17th for usIt's the 17th right now in Hong Kong. So pre order wouldn't be tomorrow for USA, would it?
Getting it!
Liking the extra head but wish the EX was something more extra like a Necromorph if they're not making one separately.
Hopefully this will be available for preorder at the begining of next month through their website. I have already exceeded my funds for this month...
Preordering has already started, they will likely have this up for a month. They gave plenty of time with their other figures
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Thanks for clearing that up! Still good for me at least it would buy me sometime esp that alternate head of Isaac but the drawback is card gettin' charged upfront. Unlike, BBTS, nothing at all except when it's readily available to ship... But another nice thing, from the 000store (upside), free shipping! Oh, well you can't have everything in life, right? lol! At least, we got options left and right!
Agree with Biojex, Isaac's normal (clean) head should come standard with the regular release
I think when ordering from ThreeZero it's kinda better to pay up front.
I'm unfamiliar with the company and not sure if they give you advance notice of paying for it now makes it so I don't have to worry about a surprise charge sometime in the next 6 months.
So I preordered, when does this come out?