TitanFall - from the original creators of Call of Duty (Xbox One/Xbox 360/PC)

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Is the alpha able to be shared? I mean the option that let's other users play it other than the primary user? Curious because my friend and I share an Xbox but not accounts. Is Respawn really that **** about this test?

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Supposedly the titanfall team are really cracking down on alpha testers taking video, screenshots, etc. I wonder what they could do aside from revoking the persons alpha access.

One guy posted he got a strike against his ebay account which is supposed to be really bad 3 strikes and you are done on youtube for good he said.
Is the alpha able to be shared? I mean the option that let's other users play it other than the primary user? Curious because my friend and I share an Xbox but not accounts. Is Respawn really that **** about this test?

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Well, I mean your friend was the one who signed the NDA, not you. By that logic you could take videos and talk about it to your hearts content and respawn/ea wouldn't be able to do anything legal wise. I watched the footage from E3 when it was released but haven't watched it since so I have no idea if what I'm playing is what they played or if we have more stuff. So it's hard to say if anything I've played wasn't available at E3. That being said, if they're having is sign an NDA that says you can't talk or show anything from the alpha until the game is released, then it's best to take it seriously.

It's also not just Respawn that are keeping an eye out for leaks. Even gamers are reporting the leaks as well.
I see but if I was to play it on my account will that be breaking the NDA for my friend? I'm not thinking of sharing videos or images just to try it myself.

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A friend who played it said it's COD with mechs. And predicts the NPC opponents will just pad kill counts for noobs. He said he came across one NPC who was kneeling and he stood right in front of it and it didn't shoot at him. He also said he rarely came across real players.

He did say the movement was cool, and the graphics were good. He said if you hate COD you will hate this. I hate COD.
I see but if I was to play it on my account will that be breaking the NDA for my friend? I'm not thinking of sharing videos or images just to try it myself.

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It won't matter anyways, as far as I know the alpha ends tonight. Plus I'm pretty sure it's all tied into your friends origin account so if they were to see someone playing who wasn't supposed to, they'd put the kibosh on it. Plus I think they disable certain features. I think I can say it without getting in trouble but one of the guys said he wanted to record a cool thing he did but couldn't because upload was disabled on the game. I'd assume the same goes for sharing.

Articles have said online that the AI cannon fodder will be much more difficult in the launch game. Your friend has to remember that this is an alpha build. The final release could be totally different.

Also yes, it's a bit like cod with mechs in terms of fast run and gun gameplay which you can see in the videos from E3. The mechs make it more dynamic though as well as the jump jets. I've been playing COD since the first one. Played every single one since and I lost all interest in it after Black Ops. I haven't even touched the online for the last 3 games. That being said I'm having a blast with titanfall. I'm really excited to see what the final version will be like.
i dont think the bots should be "easy" to kill, its annoying when companies cater for noobs, thats probably only bad thing ive got
A friend who played it said it's COD with mechs. And predicts the NPC opponents will just pad kill counts for noobs. He said he came across one NPC who was kneeling and he stood right in front of it and it didn't shoot at him. He also said he rarely came across real players.

He did say the movement was cool, and the graphics were good. He said if you hate COD you will hate this. I hate COD.

I'm assuming that due to it being a limited test........
An open beta would be a much better test for high level traffic then the Alpha. I'm not sure how many people were chosen but it might have only been a couple thousand. With an open beta they could get tens or hundreds of thousands of players on there.
I'm still looking forward to giving this a shot but I'm thinking about canceling the collector edition. Although cool, not sure it's something that fits collection wise. I gotta admit, the comparisons to COD do have me concerned since I'm not a COD guy.
The game is a cross between BF and COD. Yeah you have the fast run and gun gameplay but it's more elaborate. The jump jets add a whole new level to things and you have to play more strategically. The titans are like the tanks from BF, only they don't spawn as often. Also no quick scoping near as I can tell.
I'm still looking forward to giving this a shot but I'm thinking about canceling the collector edition. Although cool, not sure it's something that fits collection wise. I gotta admit, the comparisons to COD do have me concerned since I'm not a COD guy.

Hopefully respawn goes ahead with the open beta so you can at least give it a go. I too hate call of duty but this was refreshing and innovative enough to capture my attention.
i was laughing at all the alpha footage. outside of mediocre graphics it's literally MW2 with mechs. even the weapon skins and animations are the same, yikes. and 6v6 on large maps WITH mechs? sounds like a bore fest, not holding out a lot of hope for this anymore.