Super Freak
Make musicians sing for their supper every time the want to get paid, like every musician in the history of the world had to do before recordings. Beethoven and Mozart got no money from selling records or cds, and today's musicians are certainly no better than them.
Why do you think it was ok for Beethoven and Mozart to be poor?
Blackthornone said:So spoiled they are, that they can sit on their butts getting money for nothing, and acting as if they are entitled to get it when far greater musicians got NO money.
Talent does not entitle someone to wealth. You expect pop revenue from a genius musician? Most people can't understand/appreciate music that good. Would you force them to buy music they don't like? Do you think they should receive subsidies for being better composers?
Blackthornone said:Musicians should be happy that they get more money because recording technology exists, and leave it at that. At the end of the day, in the big picture, that is all that is really important.
They should be happy to get paid for what they sell. I can just see Richard Wagner having a fit because his last song cycle only sold 4,000 copies.