Lol. He looks like he’s full of regret in this pic.
>Eddie Brock
>as Agent Venom
Literally why? It doesn't work without Flash's character development. Jesus ****, first they complete ignore Venom's goofy nature to makea horror flick. Okay, sure, give me McFarlane slasher Venom. Now they're going all Agent Venom using Brock? I really hope that's just a stunt suit or whatever...
Agent Venom = I lose interest.
Will wait to see what the trailer looks like.
With Fleischer helming this don't expect a ripped-from-the-page adaptation of either Venom. He'll take what's best from both and just make the best [horror] film he can make.
A straight forward 616 Venom movie wouldn't work as an origin story. Agent Venom allows for an established character.