Toy Hunter starts Sunday night

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I'm watching the repeat of this right now and I can't stand this guy. I know the guy who worked at Kenner did not show him everything. I bet he had a Batman the animated series Robin dragster somewhere and didn't want to show this guy because he seemed like a scalper.
Someone should do a show about a REAL toy collector. Ya know, one hunting and buying new toys? I dunno...i'd be interesting.
This guy is certainly not going to be good for the show. They should maybe give it a different premise too. In antique collecting, the find, mark up and resale is an acceptable part of the hobby. Toy collecting seems to frown on that aspect of the hobby, no matter how much of a a neccessary evil it might be, a little more.
The show would definitely be better if it was about a guy(s) hunting down grail pieces for their own collection instead of a guy looking for stuff to resale. He seems all excited about these one of a kind figures he finds but strictly for the profit they might fetch. Doesn't seem to have much passion for the toys or for his own collection for that fact.
It might have been a soundbite loop, but what the ____ was the Hot Toys figure he was selling for 15,000 bucks???? What Hot Toys figure is worth that much???
I'm watching the repeat of this right now and I can't stand this guy. I know the guy who worked at Kenner did not show him everything. I bet he had a Batman the animated series Robin dragster somewhere and didn't want to show this guy because he seemed like a scalper.

He IS a scalper. You see people like this at conventions all the time. Maybe it's interesting to the average viewer (then again, what average viewer would watch this?), but to a real collector, the premise of the show is a little sickening since it doesn't appeal to buyers -- it appeals to sellers (with some nostalgia thrown in so we wouldn't notice).

A Day in the Life of a Scalper, that's what it should be called.

It might have been a soundbite loop, but what the ____ was the Hot Toys figure he was selling for 15,000 bucks???? What Hot Toys figure is worth that much???

I'm not sure it was a Hot Toys figure, but if it was, I guess we now know who those eBayers are who keep asking $1K for figures released two months ago. :slap
Yeah, that's what I thought too. Couldn't have been an older release either, since the boxes for those were transparent and huge. Hmm.
It boggles my mind that someone who isn't a ____ing billionaire can roll in off the street and drop 17,000 on the spur of the moment for a tiny little toy. :cuckoo:

That guy is Dan Caldwell aka "Punk Ass" from the Tap Out clothing line. He isnt a billionaire, but Im sure hes probably a millionaire for sure. Hes not exactly a someone, but at the same time hes not a nobody. He was one of the CEO's of TapOut Clothing so for him to drop $17,000 on that Boba im sure it wasnt a big deal for him. The dudes got a ton of money which is funny why they didnt give his name or anything because I think they wanted to play it off like he was a "nobody" who was going to just buy it on a whim. Im sure that was scripted.
I've seen folks on these forums accused of being a scalper for a lot less than what this dude was doing. I personally thought the show was entertaining being a toy/statue/comic fan, but I agree it would be very fun to see a true collector on the prowl. I felt like I was watching the same ol shows already on all these networks. I want to see a "hoarders-toy" show. They can start with my house!!!!
This show was hilarious. Great comedy. "I don't want to rip you off..." and then he proceeded to lowball every single person, painfully so on the MIB/MISB stuff. Whatta douche. :monkey1 :lol
This show was hilarious. Great comedy. "I don't want to rip you off..." and then he proceeded to lowball every single person, painfully so on the MIB/MISB stuff. Whatta douche. :monkey1 :lol

I was thinking the same thing. In fact, If you have this on DVR you can play a drinking game based on how many times he says "Comic Con" throughout the show :lol

It did anger me a bit when he was lowballing the Ex-Kenner employes for the likes of 20$:nono I would of been more interested in hearing stories of Kenner's glory years from them, especially the M.A.S.K guy.
My Buddy Emarae should be on this show , check this sheeeet out

Your jaw will hit the floor - Trust Me

I was so excited about a reality tv show focusing on toy collectors...and then I watched this. It seriously should be titled 'Scalper Dbag Lowballs Another Victim.' I particularly love how he's a so-called expert, yet he claims "M.A.S.K. was the precursor to Transformers" three minutes into the episode. Hoo boy.

The guy is only in it for profit, plain and simple. This wasn't at all about the joy and nostalgia of collecting. What a shame and a wasted opportunity.
i liked the interviews with the ex-kenner employees but would have liked to seen more on them & what they had, especially tom from tomarts.
and as far as his "i have to make 20,000 at comic con"................:monkey4
why do these shows always seem to have some sort of critical deadline or goal to meet?................oh i only made 17,000 not 20,000..............:monkey2