Toyfair 2007 Captain America pics.

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Monk said:
And I would be one of them. :rock

Millar's take on Cap (mirrored in the regular universe by Ed Brubaker) as a harder-edged soldier who actually killed a lot of guys during WWII (and continues to kill the bad guys today, as necessary) is a much more believable version of the character than the "let's just knock out an army of Nazis with a shield" version that we had to naively swallow for years. He's a super soldier, not a super-consciencious objector.

He's a superhero so I don't mind him not killing for the most part. Superman doesn't kill, Batman doesn't, Spider-Man doesn't, heck I think even the Hulk doesn't. Part of the gig. But the main thing I don't like about Ultimates Cap is just his personality. Seems like kind of a punk. I like the classic all-American boy scout variety (who still kicks the crap out of any bad guys in his path.) Plus the Ultimates version doesn't ever seem to throw his shield. Pass. ;)

And, again, my vote goes to Cole Hauser as the best option for a Captain America actor in the movie.

Interesting. I think the casting for Cap would be among the hardest to choose properly. Based on previous roles Hauser could definitely pull off the attitude of the Ultimates version. :)
Millar's take on Cap (mirrored in the regular universe by Ed Brubaker) as a harder-edged soldier who actually killed a lot of guys during WWII (and continues to kill the bad guys today, as necessary) is a much more believable version of the character than the "let's just knock out an army of Nazis with a shield" version that we had to naively swallow for years. He's a super soldier, not a super-consciencious objector

No one asked anyone to "swallow" the Captain America persona. It is what it is...take him or leave him. He's the Marvel version of Superman ideologically. You can make as many different versions as you want, but that's not who the core character is. He IS the guy who defeated a bunch of Nazi's and Japs(era slang) with a shield in the comics. Anything else is like revisionist history. A way to reinvent instead of doing something original.
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tomandshell said:
On the Spidey PF, there was a shift between polystone and cloth in between two areas that would be the same material on the "real thing."

On Captain America, I would assume that in "reality" the scales would be made of a different material than the lower shirt piece. So the shift between sculpture and cloth doesn't bug me at all here.

exactly. the scales are metal (or maybe kevlar for modern day Cap). definitely a different material from the rest of the costume. simply incredible piece! love the right hand pose. looks like he's gettin ready to grab something or form a fist.
Flippin' A! :flag :flag :flag


And it looks like SS removed the "hot pants" aspect of it by making the shorts a solid seam instead of separate from the pants. Good move.

I am so pumped up for this piece! This will surely be my collection's center piece. Oh man, I can't believe I am a grown up and I still get all giddy like this! :fireworks :blissy
Eli26 said:
I am so pumped up for this piece! This will surely be my collection's center piece.
Even with SW and LOTR being my "main" lines I must admit that I'm currently anticipating Cap PF more than any other collectible right now. They just nailed every aspect of this statue from the sculpting, pose, base, and mixed media to the exclusive accessories. On a scale of 1-10 its a definite "11". :cool:

With Cap, the Hulk, Wolverine and Iron Man comiquettes and whatever else is in the pike SS sure is accomodating just about any Marvel fan's dream collectibles.
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I'm actually anticipating this piece more than any other piece. The Captain America PF is what got me into PFs and lead to me getting the Spidey and Hulk pieces I love so much right now. I've always been a fan of the Avengers and Capt specifically so in my possession I have the definitive Spider-Man and Hulk representations and can't wait to add the Captain America Definitive piece as well...If my waitlist converts I'm keeping both the standard and the Exclusive. :D
Jedi_Mike said:
If my waitlist converts I'm keeping both the standard and the Exclusive. :D
that's the spirit!!! i've decided im gonna get both as well. i have the exclusive on order, but im gonna have to wait a month or two to get the regular. hopefully the price will stay around the same before then.
IMO i think this will topple the Hulk on the best PF from the Marvel line. especially the toyfare pics that show more facial detail of him.
Think there is any point of me getting on the waitlist for a exclusive or am I just wasting my time now?

Also, 3 more months and this sucker is our's! Can you guys wait that long?
Eli26 said:
Think there is any point of me getting on the waitlist for a exclusive or am I just wasting my time now?
There's always hope for a wait list conversion. Since there was a two piece limit I'm sure there were a fair number of people who ordered two but then are going to decide they don't want to bother with the trouble of a flip and will cancel instead. With an ES of 875 you'd still have a pretty good chance regardless.

Go for it Eli, you don't want to miss out on the alternate costume and especially that Nazi helmet!
Stupid Nazis! Cap' will show em' what happens when you try to take over the world, thinking the world should be dominated by bimbo blondes with blue eyes. And a leader that looks like a Charlie Chaplin rip off!

Khev, I just may do that! But yeah, I have a regular preordered from another site... what to do? Hmmm... can't risk losing him at that price, but I don't want two of them. I am sorry, I rather have two different PFs, I am not crazy like some of you on here. What to do...Think Eli, THINK! Be one with the Cap'... what would the Cap' do?

That's it, I need to seek help!