TSA gropes 6 year old! then drug tests her!

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We always could, its just more now because we try to learn from our mistakes. :dunno

I'm a pilot, I know things about friends that are airline pilots that would convince you to never board a commerical flight again in your right mind.

Plenty of people would _____ if we lowered the standards but this has nothing to do with what I'm talking about, clearly your angry at something else, so with that, I'm splitting jack. :wave
We always could, its just more now because we try to learn from our mistakes. :dunno

Try learning from those mistakes when you have no subsidies to keep your bankrupt industry afloat. You think universal intrusion of this nature would fly if there were no government mandate to violate that pesky search and seizure amendment, or if any real competition existed between airlines?

Deckard said:
I'm a pilot, I know things about friends that are airline pilots that would convince you to never board a commerical flight again in your right mind.

I don't fly, and that's irrelevant.

Deckard said:
Plenty of people would _____ if we lowered the standards but this has nothing to do with what I'm talking about, clearly your angry at something else, so with that, I'm splitting jack. :wave

Right. Impugn your opponent with imaginary motives and run. Nice cop out.
Well as I say, if you made it known you were firmly against it and would never pat down a child, like say Teemu worked for TSA, you could just chalk your baby's diaper full of cocaine, and get in his line everytime.

Patting down children randomly in addition to adults is necassary.

If they found herroine on that kid and locked up the parents I have to imagine alot of you would be on the other side of the "TSA works" arguement.

I would never work for the TSA..I am not interested in Violating people's Rights
Right. Impugn your opponent with imaginary motives and run. Nice cop out.

Your trying to relate it all back to 9-11 and terrorism, it could have happened in a pre 9-11 world the same, we still patted down children. I'm done with the 9-11 people and its not what I'm talking about at all.

It isn't irrelevant, those pilots aren't patted down or screened in any way, they walk right out to the plane, they could and do bring anything on those planes. Your not safe. You never will be.

I would never work for the TSA..I am not interested in Violating people's Rights

But you do understand the point right, your not so blind with anger you just saw your name and went ARRR I DONT LIKE TSA. My point is it isn't TSA's fault it's scummy people who want to murder others or smuggle drugs in children at the expense of people like yourself's trust.
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I wasn't asking to be safe. :wave

And you never had a right to frisk children as a function of law enforcement without probable cause, just as you have no right to frisk for explosives.
Getting onto a plane is not a police pat down, an airport is a building owned by others and those "others" get to set the rules. Yes you could always pat down a child getting onto a plane.

The same way I can tell you to take your shoes off when you come in my house and if you refuse, I can tell you to ____ off and slam the door in your face.

I would never fly an airline with no screening process.
You may do it as a function of personal prerogative, given that any business has the right to refuse service. But, if government money wasn't dumped into the industry on account of the fact that it can't pay for itself, competition would put any airline that treated its customers that way out of business.
Your trying to relate it all back to 9-11 and terrorism, it could have happened in a pre 9-11 world the same, we still patted down children. I'm done with the 9-11 people and its not what I'm talking about at all.

It isn't irrelevant, those pilots aren't patted down or screened in any way, they walk right out to the plane, they could and do bring anything on those planes. Your not safe. You never will be.

But you do understand the point right, your not so blind with anger you just saw your name and went ARRR I DONT LIKE TSA. My point is it isn't TSA's fault it's scummy people who want to murder others or smuggle drugs in children at the expense of people like yourself's trust.

The Scummy people are those that infringe on Civil Rights,job or no job,Government or no Government involved....its amazing how many people believe in the boogeymen terrorists...

Those who give up their liberty for more security deserve neither!
I totally believe in the boogeyman terrorists.

And nutjobs and total idiots.

I guess I just never thought of having to go through a medal detector or take my shoes off or get a patdown or taking a drug test was infringing on my civil rights. I have nothing to hid so I don't care. I know and understand why they do it and its ok with me.
I totally believe in the boogeyman terrorists.

And nutjobs and total idiots.

I do too. So we should treat every person alive as though they might kill everyone in the room at any second. Guilty until proven innocent.

We'll start with school employees. Daily strip searches at all schools, and cavity searches if they protest. Can't take any chances with the lives of children.

Next up, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, malls, theme parks, and sporting events. We probably need walls around ghettos, given the nature of such people. No one in or out without ensuring they have the proper papers. 9:00pm curfew, strictly enforced with armed guards. All suburban communities should be gated as well. Retinal scans required for entry.

Who would object, other than the scum who have something to hide? :dunno
I do too. So we should treat every person alive as though they might kill everyone in the room at any second. Guilty until proven innocent.

We'll start with school employees. Daily strip searches at all schools, and cavity searches if they protest. Can't take any chances with the lives of children.

Next up, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, malls, theme parks, and sporting events. We probably need walls around ghettos, given the nature of such people. No one in or out without ensuring they have the proper papers. 9:00pm curfew, strictly enforced with armed guards. All suburban communities should be gated as well. Retinal scans required for entry.

Who would object, other than the scum who have something to hide? :dunno

So what do you suggest? Just let anyone on without checking them at all or their luggage? How about we get rid of passports too? Hell.....I'm game for letting anyone in our country! Let them do whatever! We can just take our chances.

Like I said, you're damned if you do, damned if you don't.

btw.....I've had to be fingerprinted and had an FBI background check done since 9-11 for my job. I've also had several physicals.
I kill ewoks.

The six year old was asking for it, clearly.
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