See this is the part that cracks me up. I see A LOT of Fedor fans doing this without even realizing what they're doing.
You do understand when you make comments like that you're actually discrediting Fedor, right?
Hmmm.. Frank Mir. He beat Tim Sylvia for the UFC HW Title didn't he? The same Tim Sylvia Fedor fans use as a "credible" win for Fedor, right? Guess not, according to you.
Heath Herring. Hmmm.. the same Heath Herring that Fedor fans use as a "credible" win for Fedor, right? Guess not, according to you.
So you consider Martin Lazarov, Tsuyoshi Kohsaka, Levon Lagvilava, Hiroya Takada, Kerry Schall, Bobby Hoffman, Ryushi Yanagisawa, Lee Hasdell, Chris Haseman, Egidijus Valavicius, Yuji Nagata, Zulu and Choi credible!?
How about Lindland who Fedor outweighed by 17 and 1/2 lbs?
Or Sobral and Arona who Fedor also outweighed?
Or Maybe Schilt? Who was 1-0 in K-1 at the time (just to avoid any fubars bring up his K-1 accomplishments that came 3 years AFTER the Fedor fight).
Or Mark Coleman who was 39 yrs old for their first fight and 41 yrs. old for the second fight?
Or maybe Kevin Randleman or Gary Goodridge?
The fact is his record/resume is only impressive to his nut huggers. Early in his career he fought guys with losing records, smaller guys and cans. And that's been his pattern throughout his entire career. For every credible guy he's fought he's also fought 2 cans.
Nah.. I just love torturing his delusional, pathetic fans that make him out to be something that he's not.