I remember one day when my son was being down on himself about something and I said I loved him and always will. He replied that I only loved him because he was my son. I quickly corrected him and explained to him that it was true that I loved him because he was my son, I also loved him because of the person he is, the kindness he shows, the way he rationally thinks through many issues, how eager he is to help and earn things instead of just asking for them.
My kids are good. They have their issues but overall they are very good, well behaved kids and as such I only know that I love my kids as they are. I can say that hypothetically I would love them regardless, but I don't have that perspective. Since I have never been in a situation where my adult child has done something so heinous and despicable that it would nullify my ability to care for them.
After all, I think we can agree that there are some that are totally undeserving of love, John Couey who abducted, raped, and murdered by burying alive Jessica Lunsford. He has a mother and a father. I don't know how anyone can love someone after knowing what they did.