Lobo, I ended up using a clothes set from TTL. Its the one that's being used for fight club tyler durden kitbashing.
this one:
Originally, I used the T becker pants, the material used on those pants was definitely nice. I was kitbashing my Tyler Durden at the same time and tried the pants that came with the set and I like it a lot better. The TTL set pants was low rise on the waist and the length was perfect. I ended up buying 3 other pants but I prefer the fit of the TTL set pants. One of the threads I read when I was kitbashing Tyler said they do sell the set separately now but unfortunately, I dont know where you can order it separately. Most of the ones I found on ebay was selling it as a set.
<i> Nice work sir. May benefit from slight weathering of the boots - they look a bit too toyish as they are. </i>
Actually, the boots are much darker in hand. i noticed also on the pics that it came out lighter but trust me, it looks much nicer in hand. Originally, I only used a single layer of brown which is kinda what it looks like in the picture now so I went back and drybrushed it with a mix of burnt sienna, black and then brown and painted over the previous first layer. It looks 10 times better in hand cause it actually looks like leather. One of those pleasant surprise since I'm pretty new to kitbashing. But with the camera flash, the boots looks like a single brown color and it looks lighter. Its reversed with the facial hair I painted, its much lighter in hand. This is really my 2nd truetype to paint as I bought 2 of them, 1 to use for Tyler. The first one, I used just black and it ended up looking too dark... Almost like a beard. So, on the 2nd head, I ended up using brown with a slight mix of black and carefully drybrushed it slowly over the sculpted facial hair, and it came out nice. But again, with the camera I used, maybe cause of the the flash or settings, the facial hair looks darker than what it looks like in hand. One of these days I'll invest on a real camera.