War Machine 1:1 Bust

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It's not the price tag that bothers me, not the sculpt, not the coloring, but the open ES. Just something about an open ES and then the $1000 bones just doesn't set right with me. I feel like I'm paying for a custom, but at least with a custom you have a good ideal that it want be 1000's of them made.

Good point. I wonder why SS doesn't set an ES on the iron man busts. All other busts have an ES and are limited (except for the T-800 bust; which again is from SWS).

Might be due to the cost of the SWS license that SS has to keep the ES open for a considerable period in order to keep the price low and to break even.

Someone should pose SS the question of having open ES in their monthly Q&A.
where are you guys seeing this has an open ES? :confused:. I guarantee if you guys are patient, this can easily be had for $800 assuming this has at least an ES of 500. Every single SS bust I have ever had, I saved at least $200 off the retail price in less than a year of it shipping out, but if it does have an open ES, it makes it that much easier to pass on at the moment, while waiting for a good deal on one.
All Iron Man products should have an open ES. With as many issues that plague them from paint issues to peeling to cracks and chips, I would think they'd want to replace them all and an open ES allows that. Trust me all IM fans should be crossing their fingers for an open ES always
where are you guys seeing this has an open ES? :confused:. I guarantee if you guys are patient, this can easily be had for $800 assuming this has at least an ES of 500. Every single SS bust I have ever had, I saved at least $200 off the retail price in less than a year of it shipping out, but if it does have an open ES, it makes it that much easier to pass on at the moment, while waiting for a good deal on one.

Usually they mention something about the ES in the production listing, but that usually have been with statues that has an EX. I guess will see if we get the TBA or open ES on ordering day.
Open ES or not they produce pieces to replace items. That I don't think has that much of an affect on things.
IMO 1K is very reasonable...it comes with the ARC which MIII did not and it has the gun which MIII did not and the MIII was $699 if I recall correctly?

So 1K is very reasonable, again IMO, just due the ridiculous pricing SS has been offering lately...
Open ES or not they produce pieces to replace items. That I don't think has that much of an affect on things.

It's common knowledge that all companies exceed their ES for replacements some people even get some without numbering because they are the last of the replacements but IM pieces historically have had more than regular rates of damage to the point that SSC has had to offer refunds over replacements because they run out like we saw with the MK III bust. Open ES is best because that way a replacement for all can be ensured instead of just the average amount if something like mass defects occurs again. I know that if I worked for SSC's Marvel division I'd be pushing for open ES on IM pieces for the simple fact that fans are wanting it and should get it instead of letdowns and refunds but that's just me :dunno
It's common knowledge that all companies exceed their ES for replacements some people even get some without numbering because they are the last of the replacements but IM pieces historically have had more than regular rates of damage to the point that SSC has had to offer refunds over replacements because they run out like we saw with the MK III bust. Open ES is best because that way a replacement for all can be ensured instead of just the average amount if something like mass defects occurs again. I know that if I worked for SSC's Marvel division I'd be pushing for open ES on IM pieces for the simple fact that fans are wanting it and should get it instead of letdowns and refunds but that's just me :dunno

Even with an open es all that means is no edition size is announced. They actually have a cut off point in the production thats all an open edition size means. It might work best but for me personally Iprefer items of this cost to have a set ES.
It's not the price tag that bothers me, not the sculpt, not the coloring, but the open ES. Just something about an open ES and then the $1000 bones just doesn't set right with me. I feel like I'm paying for a custom, but at least with a custom you have a good ideal that it want be 1000's of them made.

They should release the ES on all pieces with NRD. The color does bother me, but I think that may be just lighthing. I will not buy a Darth Vader that is green same goes for Warmachine.
What really would have taken this piece over the top beside having shoulders or even without. Is if the Gatlin gun would have actually spun. Now that would have been just unbelievably SICK!!!
Just paid my dealer a deposit today, I guess I am getting this one for sure. This will be my first bust ever. Normally I don't like bust but Sideshow's 1:1 bust looks very nice. I just want WM and IM bust in my collection. When do you guys think Sideshow will release IM Mark VI 1:1 bust? I hope it won't be too long.
What really would have taken this piece over the top beside having shoulders or even without. Is if the Gatlin gun would have actually spun. Now that would have been just unbelievably SICK!!!

:goodpost: Agreed. Having those sholder pads would definately push me over the fence for this. Right now it looks too square. Other than that this bust rocks!
I'll say this, even though I'm not interested in it, I definitely want to see shots of it next to the Mark III. The Arc looks embedded into the base so I'm interested to see if it is taller naturally or if they've made the base alterations to keep uniformity.

If they do a Mark V even if it's at $800 (I'm assuming $200 for the gun) I'd get it because I'm over the moon on that suit.