Greatest Person Ever
This time for real:


This weeks episode was ok. Didn't wow me but there were some 'fun' moments. Can't really say much more. Next weeks looks GREAT!
It would be nice to see opening credits with the other actors in it and not just Dushku.
I must admit....i have not watched this show but want to......i could only get through about 5 eps in the first season and then let it go, it just didn't hold my interest.
Should i give this show another chance?? does it get better past ep5, cause not a lot was ahaapening there and as much as i hate to say it i felt it was kinda boring, i mean ep3 was cool and parts of ep 1 but other then that i didn't really love it enough to keep watching.
So i guess i'm asking if it did get better from ep 5 and up, is this season (season 2) any better??? the addition of new characters is really interesting!!!
I will tell you this, in the limited # of Eps i saw, i HATED the apparently "funny\sarcastic" guy who was in charge of programming the girls....don't know his name but he was annoying as hell!!
ok, looks like i have to go to Bestbuy and pick up first season, anyone else have an opinion on this show??
Not that i don't trust you Chap....you being the #1 Buffy fan and all(runs away as BuffyGirl chases me with a Stake) .....just wanna know who else is watching this and enjoyed last season.
I am glad to have Summer and Alexis (and boy was it weird hearing Alexis talk without his English accent, which I love) but I am not happy about Amy's departure. I really love Amy Acker. Sadness.
We definitely have to see more action in this show. People love action. They don't like to 'think.' I like to think, and you all do, but mostly people want to see people getting beat up! lol. We are not only trying to keep Joss fans interests, but get some new ones. And people who are not familiar with the way Joss writes/directs, etc, are not going to stick around if they are in anyway bored or confused.
We need to see less Ballard, especially before I throw up. I have an idea, a great one. Less Ballard, more Boyd. ORR, just kill Ballard all together. I have no problems with that at all. He's just becoming annoying. Well, I say becoming but he was annoying in the first 2 minutes of season 1 he appeared in. I know some of you like him. But, I don't see it, and I don't get it. And we have someone we love, like Giles or Wesley (on Angel anyways) and that's Boyd. So give us more of him. He's the protector, strong and also very cuddly in a weird way and sweet! I love Boyd. Not at all...annoying.
Yes, I realize I'm rambling. But I really need to get my thoughts out.
There is so much that can be done with the characters, and Joss is on it, I'm sure. But I think a big part of the problem was season 1 where Fox had control of the first 5 episodes. Anyone here see Joss' pilot "Echo?" it was amazing. And I don't think we would have lost any viewers. Well, maybe just the lame ones we didn't need in the first place.
Anyways, before this ramble becomes worse than it is, for now I'll stop. But I have a lot more to say.... Including, bring whiskey back!
And yes, I realize that none of this was intellectual at all. But I didn't have time for that.
BuffyGirl, I am so with you on the Ballard character. Either kill him off or... no, that's all, just kill him off. Annoying with a capital "as Hell".
I'm sticking with the show, just wasn't carried away with little girl shivers of excitement at the season opener, and I SO wanted the little girl shivers of excitement. I mean, this show almost didn't make it back for a second season, and I figured that this seasons's opener would be all "guns a-blazing", not in the literal 'all the characters have weapons and are shooting everything in sight', but the 'pull-out-all-the-stops-let's-show-'em-how-it's-done' sort of way.![]()