Ugh. So if I don't have enough left on my card I can't even order it. That sucks.
That's correct. He should be around for a little bit to allow for people who need to find a way to make room.
Ugh. So if I don't have enough left on my card I can't even order it. That sucks.
That much for 1/6 scale?
My wife just got a text from our Chase card that fraudulent activity might have occurred due to someone in New Zealand running it for over $730. I told her to acknowledge the payment and that I'd explain later. So much for keeping this one under wraps until it ships.
But I secured my order!![]()
So, is there a place we can all post who pre ordered?
She was at Comic-Con this year. I only got to see her at the Weta Party but sadly didn't get to talk to her. A couple of fellow staffers at TORn did get to talk with her and videoed it for their web series on TORn. I'll grab that video in a bit.
Awesome. She actually has a pretty cool success story. Saw Jurassic Park at age 11, determined to make creatures in movies, went to school for it, saw LOTR and determined to work at Weta when she found out they were doing the Hobbit applied at Weta, got hired, cut her teeth on District 9 and Avatar and now here she is having worked on The Hobbit film and its collectibles. It's what a lot of us dream about. Watching certain movies and then wanting to work along side those filmmakers and then actually doing it.
Nice video, it was cool to see you "live" Josh.![]()
There's something about middle earth statues when done well that just blows everything else away.
Statue of the yeeeaaar.... next yeeeaar...
Someone should start a thread/poll with dollars spent on this hobby, then again lets stay in denial... "I can swing this, no problem.."![]()
I don't think Lindsey was in that video Josh.![]()
JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! great video!!!