Exactly how I feel at the moment.
Add to that the emotional weight I felt in TDKR - I felt fear, I felt the pain, I felt the sorrow.
I was moved by begins but not to this extent.
I thought Begins was abit, well less enjoyable. I loved the fight scenes and how they represented a young Bruce, the fast efficiency made me think of the anger and fury he had. He just got there, no showboating and just dispatched them asap as brutally efficient as possible. I loved the chase in the Tumbler asmuch as I loved the year one inspired 'back up'.
I think both Ra's and Scarecrow werent that good a villain in the film. Liam Neeson ofcourse was superb, Cillian was awsome as Scarecrow,but it just fell abit.... well flat to me. I just didnt enjoy the film as much as I enjoyed the other two. I think the way to put it, is there wasnt as much depth; by that I mean the relationship between the Villains and Batman. I didnt FEEL a personal grudge between R'as and Bruce. I didnt feel any threat from either villain. Scarecrow is awsome but a secondary villain, Rhas was good but, I dont know.
He was merely a tool in which Bruce learned to control his aggression, face his fear and the skills to fight injustice, it didnt feel asif Ra's was threatening, or that the League of Shadows were formidable or even large scale. they had Ninjas in the mountains, but they all fled while bruce saved Ra's. Then he took 4 of them down like they were mobsters. TDKR, they felt much more powerful, much more present and much much more of a threat, a danger.
I just think the way Ra's was written and used was underwhelming, Neeson couldve done so much more with the role. I didnt mind Bruce being taught by the league of shadows, but it just fell flat to be honest. If the league of shadows were so powerful and they infiltrated every aspect of Gotham, what happened to all the members who were dressed as SWAT and things like that? Bruce only fought 4 dressed as Ninjas, thats it. The rest just vanished. probably to Bane really looking back.
But, I dont know. I still love the film, I didnt think it was anywhere near as good as TDK or TDKR. There was no challenge or testing of Batman/Bruce.