Super Freak
Nova laughs at car accidents.
Sometimes people bounce funny.
Nova laughs at car accidents.
IF you remember, Bruce escaped when there was 48 hours till the bomb explodes or something like that, he arrives in Gotham with about 6 hours to spare or something like that I think.
Im not sure how he got to Gotham. id presume it would be using the tunnels for the slaves that his great grandfather build under the mansion, could be a way of getting into the city.
I get what you mean about the presumption of Batman still driving the Bat away, but it could just be selective editing,it looks like Bats is realising something. At first you think its him accepting death, but really its him accepting life. If you think how the editing is done, the bomb is ticking down whilst Gordon is attempting to put the EMP thing on the bomb, and then it cuts to something else for a minuet, but only a second has elapsed, so its showing things happening at the same time. So you could say that The shots of batman in the Bat are happening as he is flying over the bridge. Selective editing I think.
They declare Bruce dead because they use the 'Death by Exile' scene. If you look at all the ice thats shattered when they send the dude who was Daggets right hand man, many rich have been cast out to their deaths, so they can easily say that Wayne was exiled by Crane, league of Shadows and the criminals of Gotham. Thats the only explanation as many of the rich were killed that way.
I didnt mind the reveal. It was more of a fan service than anything. Yeah it wouldve been easier if they said 'Mr R Grayson' but it didnt bother me. JGL reminded me of a mix between Nightwing Grayson and the attitude of Drake.
I think the whole 'Batman could be anybody and inspire hope' was a hint from Bruce to JGL that he could take up the mantle. But after unveiling the statue, I think Blake would put his own twist on the Batman costume out of respect for Bruce. I dont see it like R.I.P where Grayson inherits the costume. I dont think that would fit at all IMO. would be nice if he turned the Batcostume into a nightwing-esque style suit.
Batman Returns![]()
If I included those it'd be something like this for me even though I hate ranking these films,
1. (The Dark Knight/'89 Batman)
2. (Batman Begins/Batman Returns)
3. The Dark Knight Rises
4. Batman Forever
5. Batman and Robin
The top three being swappable by mood. I do get nostalgic for Batman Forever sometimes.
Batman: The Animated Series (the shows and Mask of Phantasm) would be at the very top if included. That's pretty much the definitive version of Batman for me.
For me:
1. TDKR - 9.6/10
2. BB - 9.5/10
3. TDK - 9.4/10
4. Batman '89 - 8/10
5. Batman Returns - 7/10
6. Batman Forever - 6/10
7. B&R - 0/10
What's keeping your top 2 from being tens? We're talking .4 and .5 here.
ZERO for Batman and Robin? Not even a 1/10 for Bane in a purple gorilla outfit or ice skate blades on the bottom of the boots?
Nah, it deserves a zero after all the other Batman films that came out before and after it.
Batman: The Animated Series (the shows and Mask of Phantasm) would be at the very top if included. That's pretty much the definitive version of Batman for me.
1. BB - 9.5/10
2. TDK - 9.4/10
3. TDKR - 9.0/10
4. Batman 89 - 8/10
5. Batman Returns - 5/10
6. Batman Forever - 0/10
7. Batman and Robin - 0/10
1. The Joker (TDK)
2. The Joker (89)
3. Ra's Al Ghul (BB)
4. Two-Face (TDK)
5. Scarecrow (BB)
6. Catwoman (TDKR)
7. Bane (TDKR)
8. Catwoman (BR)
9. Penguin (BR)
10. Talia (TDKR)
11. The Riddler (BF)
10. Two-Face (BF)
11. Mr. Freeze (B&R)
14. Poison Ivy (B&R)
15. Bane (B&R)
She's not, it's just for rating's sake![]()
How is Catwoman a villain??
She steals pearls and a Lamborghini, tricks Batman into getting his ass kicked, goes to jail, has a bad criminal record . . . BUT, she has a heart of gold.
Catwoman is never really portrayed as an outright villain. Then again, she's not Wonder Woman, Supergirl or Batgirl either.
You know the scene where she's on the Bat-Pod and blows up that stack of cars blocking the tunnel? I just watched her ass the whole time... I knew she was blowing up the barricade, so why should I bother watching another explosion when I could be looking at her butt?![]()