"You are under arrest, my lord," he told the Chancellor, motioning to Anakin to stay back.
But Palpatine was not looking at Mace Windu. "Anakin," he cried. "I told you it would come to this. I was right, The Jedi are taking over."
"He has too much control over the Senate and the Courts," Mace replied. "He is too dangerous to be kept alive."
"It is not the Jedi way." But the Chancellor has daid the same thing about Count Dooku. If Jedi Master and Sith Lord made the same argument, were they really so different? And I need him to save Padmé.
But Master Windu was not listening. He raised his lightsaber - and Anakin knocked it aside. The unexpected blow sent the lightsaber flying... and left Mace defendless against a new bolt of Force lightning. Chancellor Paplatine was faking! He was not tired at all.
-- Revenge of the Sith, Junior Novelization.
When Anakin enters into the office, Palpatine puts in motion plan B: Turn Anakin right now and use that to kill Mace.