Just so we're clear-- Our (Great White North) government has started to spend more money on atheletes in the past year--but prior to that our government felt that tax dollars were better spent on those crazy things like universal health care, education, and helping those less fortunate. We don't have any medals yet... Shame.

Guess that makes us a bad country.
I somewhat agree (if our government was spending money where it should be going), and that's where I say half of the country if not the majority is at, yet some people seem to value a country on how its athletes do in events at the olympic level. Thus why I said some feel it's frivolous to spend that kind of money on those athletes. btw The government says they spend money into hospitals... yeah, that's why hospitals are still greatly understaffed. Why we're losing our best doctors to the US, and why the hospitals in my city atleast, are falling apart. The St. Boniface hospital is a joke here. The Cancer ward has tiles missing from the floor (also looks dirty), it smelled of urine (what a way to go out, taking that crap in), paint is discoloured and aged, and I don't believe it's all that sanitary, which you expect a hospital to be. They sign nurses to contracts that last a few years, and have those same nurses reapply for that same position when that contract runs up... One nurse told me they do this so they can't get a substantial raise. Maybe he was out of line, I don't know. I'm not in the profession. Regardless, it's a joke Neil. We spend money on frivolous statues and monuments for the city while that could go to healthcare, education, and fixing up our roads. I don't remember the last time my city went down my street to patch the potholes on my street that when filled up with water could support an entire ecosystem.
They spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a Louis Reil statue, because they felt the older already existing one at the time wasn't attractive enough, so they tore the old one down and put a new one in its place. Heck, I rather that be spent into an athlete vs. an already existing statue. I remember when our old mayor was in office, he had a multi-million dollar facility put on a newly built bridge. It was to be a posh restaurant that over looked the river. Great idea, but it took nearly 4 years until someone came along, and could actually afford to rent the space, at a much reduced fee mind you. I am assuming money was the lose there, but it is a cool idea, but people still giggle at the thought that a blue-collar Salsbury House franchise was put in place. Think Dennys, but lower. Don't get me started on how the NDP party here treats other issues. This party is really running the Province of Manitoba into the ground.. I can go a lot more into but I won't.
P.S. Roll your eyes all you want, but our government's spending habits may have great intentions, but how they follow up on it sometimes makes me wonder.
Anyway, this thread is about the Olympics, so lets keep the discussions to that.