Super Freak
I don't flinch. I've accepted $400 as a good deal for an HT Pred. Add shipping to that, and it's still to be expected. What's more, it can be done. Especially for a Chopper.
Excuse me for trying to snag a better price for these, and it has happened in the past. I got my BD P2 for $275 shipped just this last January. Box was in perfect condition, figure was never put together, and it was some super-fast priority shippin'.
Just because I mentioned I liked NECA's Wolf, doesn't mean that's the only thing I collect. Sure, NECA and HT at opposite ends of the price spectrum, but do they look good? Yeah. Do they blow McF's out of the water? IMO, yeah.
So now, I've got a running collection of one of each Alien/Pred-related fig NECA has made, and can't wait to get some original movie Preds to be in-scale with my AVP-R and classic Aliens. But like I said, I also try to collect one HT fig from each from my fave Pred designs.
Honestly, that comment of yours leads me to believe that perhaps you don't understand a few things, either.
As a result of your annoyance with newcomers who are shocked by some of these prices, you are now judging things from the perspective of status. You may not have said it quite like that, but the gist was "If you can't handle it, just go on over to TRU and look for clearance deals on cheap items that anyone can easily get. Go big or go home, etc. etc." Well first of all, that's a no-no. Because you don't even know these people. They may indulge in multiple figure lines, each with their own values. Don't be upset with them just because they want to hold on more tightly to their money and try to find a better deal, especially if it's been proven possible.
I.E, there are high-end collectors, and low-end collectors. I (as well as many others) enjoy items from both categories. They all look nice, serve a different purpose, there are different figures from each, and they cater to different wants.
So just buy what makes you happy, and if you can find a price that makes you happy too, by all means go for it. I'm not saying offer a ridiculously low amount for something that's WAY more valuable, but if history has taught you that it's possible to get it cheaper, strive to find that price point.
PS: Verbal21, that is a rockingly ideal display. Love it. Everything you need, nothing you don't. Perfect for me, minus that Wolf... who actually looks quite badass in that photo lol.

I'm talking about the baby birds that demand a cheaper price and expect it. I'm talking about those who ridiculously defend an absurd comparison because they're too cheap to drop cash on the high-end collectible they're comparing the low-end to. I'm talking about the people who pigeonhole a seller for asking fair market value for a high-end collectible. As well as those who think they're entitled to things just because they don't want to pay what something's worth. These are the types of people who need to stick to the clearance isle at TRU. Now, personally, I own everything. An example would be from the Mezco 3 3/4" New Line guys all the way up to their Sideshow PF interpretations. Or Hasbro's 3 3/4" Star Wars all the way up to movie props. But I'm real about what I collect. Yeah, a $30 Schwarzenegger can be worth every penny but don't sell me the idea that he not only belongs on the same shelf as the high-ends but looks better. Now, hopefully you got the gist of what I meant.
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