Super Freak
I never said I was lowballing anyone. They're good figures, they look nice, and they're cheap. I'm gonna do it. That's right, I'm gonna do it:
How dare you call yourself a collector!?
Ahh... there we go. And BTW, Hasbro is for playing. NECA is for collecting. Still doesn't make sense to compare. But you're so biased that anything mainstream is immediately considered bad.
So you shoot down not one, but two NECA fans on this thread (and believe me there are plenty more on SSF), you bash a NECA figure for looking like crap compared to an HT fig (when the price difference is over $100), you're flipping around everything we've said when your argument has major holes too, you're directly insulting us for enjoying cheaper stuff that still looks good (even though we also collect more expensive things), and for lack of a better comeback, you bump the thread again with smilies when I kindly ask you to mind your own business and not worry if others don't share the same uptight views toward good figures as you (which is a very reasonable thing to ask, might I add).
But oh, it's the brand that matters. It's such things that make one item good and another bad. I feel compelled to wonder if those lower-end figures you said you had and liked are actually in the garbage or long-sold.
BTW, we should host a talkshow on this. It'll be a regular "Frost/Nixon" moment for us. Seriously.
And in the end, you still fail. I'm saying they should NOT be compared for EXACTLY THAT REASON. One is $30 and the other is $165. There's too much of a leap in quality to coincide the price tag of HT's for any fair comparison. You two are the incessant nags who're continually defending the comparison. I guess I'm gonna have to hit up a child book author so that I can word it in a way that gets you to understand that.
AND FYI, I was referring to you lowballing people for the high-end stuff while in your FS thread, trying to command top dollar for your garbage. Rather hypocritical in my book. But maybe that's just me.