He's just getting on here SAYING he's getting it, and basically rubbing it in the face of people who can't afford it. Like I said earlier, he blabs in a lot of threads and I highly doubt he is even getting this piece, let alone have the stuff he SAYS he does.
Completely uncool what he does to these people. Not everyone has the means to buy everything they would like to get, and for the ones who can, they shouldn't look down on others who might have lost a job due to downsizing, been in an accident and can't work or choose to have kids in lieu of buying 2K pieces.
These figures and statues associated with this hobby are awesome, and for those that do have the means to buy everything they want, kudos and thanks for sharing, but fact of the matter is- I'll take having kids over buying 2K+ pieces any day. When I'm on my last leg and on my death bed, Wolf ain't jumping off the dismembered Alien to come into my hospital room and hold my hand to comfort me during my final hours.
IF this kid (I say kid because that's how he acts, like a stuck-up kid in HS picking on the kids whose parents are struggling because they don't wear nice clothes like he does) can afford these pieces, whatever. No one is jealous or cares. When he's on his death bed they'll sit in his lonely home collecting dust because he'll have no one to bring them to him.