Super Freak
looks like hes tryin to fart lol
What movie is that jessica alba scene from??
looks like hes tryin to fart lol
are those pics of yours Fly?
Computer Fly and others in regards to seam issue:
I am not seeing this on mine, or my pics. What am I missing?
My pics are on page 376 or
Computer Fly and others in regards to seam issue:
I am not seeing this on mine, or my pics. What am I missing?
My pics are on page 376 or
any others wanna comment on their PF seams before i send mine back?
nah, those are the seams on the cloth outfit. some don't like those either but they don't bother me. they look like what would actually be on a costume to me.
no i'm talkin about a seam in the underlying polystone, where the left leg (upper thigh) abuts up against the hip
Well a lot of talk here is really about how much you like the mixed media bit. you either love it or hate it, it could happen to a different character and sculpt and it'll be the exact same talk. Then you have people who already own the comiquette who wants to believe theirs will forever be the best Wolverine statue ever. By the time the third and fourth Wolvie statue comes out and completely destroys both the PF and the comiquette, they will still want to believe the old comiquette is the best. You don't have the same diverse opinion with Venom or Darth Talon cuz those are the best 1:4 version you'll get in a long time. Once you get a second version of 1:4 venom in a similar quality, the masses opinion will split right in the middle and get ugly just like what you're witnessing now.
I think it'll be on every statue. I know you said it isn't noticeable on some photos but it is more likely due to the way the photos were shot. I didn't notice a seam on mine until you brought it up. I moved it around under different lighting and it appeared.
SEAMS like a lot of it is about the material used here to mask the well done muscles and loss of upper body definition. Gambit is mixed media as well, but you don't see many as critical of him, probably because his costume is mostly sculpted as is the original Wolvie comiquette. I doubt there will be a Venom done as well too. That's probably why a lot of waitlists are converting for Wolvie, and maybe others are waiting for the brown version.
Its just the nature of the beast though. Or in this case Wolverine HA. What it comes down to is the use of mixed media in order to make the statue a PF.
With Gambit, his signature/classic trench coat was perfect for a PF, allowing for a fully sculpted costume. Same reason they gave cyclops a bomber jack (that everyone complains about).
Wolverine wears tights...not a lot of options there. And, the idea of putting on tights and showing every muscle in your body is strictly comic book. Its impossible for anyone in real life to put on any material no matter how thin and show every inch of muscular definition. The same laws apply to a statue!
Let me put it in terms most of us here can understand.Sports Illustrated swim suit addition. The girls in there can put on the smallest, skimpiest, most shear bikini ever created and we STILL can't see as much of thier curves and body as those that pose with only body paint.