Super Freak
Is it just me or does anyone think this PF is kinda short to. Next to the apple it looks like it bairly hits the 16-17" mark...
Is it just me or does anyone think this PF is kinda short to. Next to the apple it looks like it bairly hits the 16-17" mark...
The biggest problem are the seams.
Now thats an butt. Nice butt wolvie. lol
Conan Likes!
Diaper Wolverine + Maple leaf + Canada + awesome sculpt + Shai = Win.
I win.
The irony is all the haters will probably order this piece tomorrow.
Whats the odds on a very limited edition Brown version ala Negative Zone Spidey
The biggest problem are the seams.
Keep in mind Cap and Thor have the same material on the PFs for their costumes but those costumes present very well.
I think the wolvie statue looks great...better than the initial preview now that I see better shots, but those seams, especially on the legs are way too over-pronounced and detract from an otherwise great looking statue.
The irony is all the haters will probably order this piece tomorrow.
Yes,Get out of our way, marvel poseurs.