How can you tell if you got a waiting list order instead of a regular order? Does it say "W" in front of the order number instead of "T"? Thanks.
How can you tell if you got a waiting list order instead of a regular order? Does it say "W" in front of the order number instead of "T"? Thanks.
* order date 11/13/2009 18:01
Now we need a poll -
1) PF only
2) comiquette only
3) both
38 seconds seem the lowest so far and that's The Bodie
need the seconds as well Chucky! :emperor
2009-11-13 18:00:40
All else failed.
Yeah I want to find the SLOWEST...
my order shows order date 11/13/2009 18:01 without any seconds
In like flin... :maul
Date Placed: 2009-11-13 18:00:47
Subtotal: $299.99
Tax (Est.): $0.00
Ship (Est.): $9.89
Grand Total: $309.88
I beat Skiman and his ass-ociates. lol
That's "In like Flynn" as in Errol Flynn, the famous promiscuous womanizing actor.
Yes, but.... I BEAT YOU!