Wonder Woman gets a new costume and direction!

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It is probably to get the movie going in terms of origin but ironically the last mention of the film was to get the costume to be more Greek than American and this seems to be a move three steps backwards. Who knows how long it'll last but oh well right? They had to do something with her eventually. She is the third leg of the Trinity being outsold by B listers as Jair pointed out.

Hopefully the new costume won't stay. Jim Lee could have done much better.

Looking at his revamps

Kyle Rayner GL:


his pitch for All-Star Batman and Robin:


Superboy Prime:


His concept for Omega Red:


Iron Man:


This look is right up his alley on what he does. I'm a big Jim Lee fan and he is a talented artist no doubt but when he is given free reign he kind of goes left.

Even if you look at his GL50


He took liberties with Larfleeze, Atrocitus and Walker that weren't exactly praised by fans. He works best like in Hush where he was given a parameter by others to design, Loeb pitched him the idea of Catwoman that he interpreted same with the Batman redeco and Huntress look but he wasn't given a blank slate. Now that he is a high up in DC though I look for this to continue with other character reimagined his way.

I'm not surprised.
I guess it's a bit of comfort to know it wasn't entirely the nuns to blame for this, but if her real costume ends up getting dumped to make a movie more accessible, realistic, or whatever excuse, I'd say the nuns finally got her.

Hope the story is good and things are back to normal in a year. Otherwise, R.I.P. kallipygos.
Dreadful. DC just has not been capable of writing WW correctly.

Ohh how so?

And who would you have write her?

She's had George Perez, Greg Rucka and Gail Simone, along with John Bryne, William Messner-Loebs, Allan Heinberg in the past 20 years, who else is really out there? I think people need to realize no one buys the comic book.... People recognize her and love the old TV show but that doesn't get the general non comic buying public into the comic shop to buy the magazine. Talk to Simone or Rucka at any convention they will tell you the same thing, limited market and in that limited market she just doesn't sell.

Ohh how so?

And who would you have write her?

She's had George Perez, Greg Rucka and Gail Simone, along with John Bryne, William Messner-Loebs, Allan Heinberg in the past 20 years, who else is really out there? I think people need to realize no one buys the comic book.... People recognize her and love the old TV show but that doesn't get the general non comic buying public into the comic shop to buy the magazine. Talk to Simone or Rucka at any convention they will tell you the same thing, limited market and in that limited market she just doesn't sell.


Unfortunately this seems to be the case, Just look at the demographic. Also, Superman and Batman have an element of relativity - You can relate to Superman's home life, his parent's and his small town sensibility. With Batman He's a regular guy who trained and honed his body and mind to the apex of human capability. But with Wonder Woman, those elements just aren't there.
Joss Whedon. 'Nuff Said. :exactly: :D :rock

I have limited insight to his comics, really don't read Marvel but I remember reading somewhere quite a few years ago when he was still involved with the WW movie and there was a chance to write WW and he passed, I could be wrong though. Besides I know his script had a lot of changes to WW and her mythology, who knows how the fans would have reacted. WW fans are among the most stringent in comics that I can think of.

Even with his popularity I am not sure he would bring in big numbers, I don't think JMS will either, ohh the first issues will sell big but it will level off and quite possibily fade to mid 30's again. I think WW is a hard sell no matter what, she probably makes DC/Warners decent money with licensed material like toys and clothes but her perodicals just don't sell, honestly for the most part solo female comics don't sell well. Other than Buffy who has a fanbase outside of comics, I can't name another solo female comic that sells 50k+.

Jair, you need to read the collected editions of Astonishing X-Men Vol. I & II.

Arguably the best run on the X-Men since Claremont & Bryne's run (Issues 108 thru 143 with Bryne) on Uncanny X-Men.

And if you haven't read the Dark Phoenix Saga then you are missing out.
Jair, you need to read the collected editions of Astonishing X-Men Vol. I & II.

Arguably the best run on the X-Men since Claremont & Bryne's run (Issues 108 thru 143 with Bryne) on Uncanny X-Men.

And if you haven't read the Dark Phoenix Saga then you are missing out.

Not that I wouldn't want to but honestly, my comic stack is huge, I made a decision to stick to one of the big two companies in terms of reading them. I know I probably miss out on a ton of good stories but with all the comics I read a month, getting myself involved in the X-Men would break my fragile system :) A friend gave me JMS's Thor run in trade and I won the Civil War series in a comic store contest ( didn't get past #3) thats been it for Marvel for me in the past 15+ years. I read pretty much the whole vertigo line, a good chunk of Dark Horse, some Image and a few other independents, there is only so much room.

I've read Whedon's few issues of Buffy and I have his collected trades of Fray, so I know the guy can write but I'm not sure it would have translated to sales for WW, I am not sure anything really can :(

Last time I really read X-men Jean Grey had died the first time.... thats how long its been.

It's a pretty terrible design imo. Something about it just reeks of early 90s art when artists had no idea how to literally dress their heroes.

Lee is a great penciler, but he's great at drawing already established designs. At best you can say that the revamped XMen in the 90s were his ideas, but they we're still mostly based on original stuff from before.

I'm not a Wonder Woman follower, but I am a fan of hers (if that makes sense). This new costume kinda seems like a test run for an eventual (maybe) movie costume Warner would use, which is kinda sad. Linda Carter pulled off the original WW costume most excellently in her day, but I can almost hear the screams and outcry of todays society condemning a bodice piece and underwear as perverted and unsafe for children :monkey2