Silent December
Super Freak
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I find it a bit contradictory that even though this marks a new beginning for Wonder Woman, the covers for the for WW still feature the old costume.
I find it a bit contradictory that even though this marks a new beginning for Wonder Woman, the covers for the for WW still feature the old costume.
...but I can almost hear the screams and outcry of todays society condemning a bodice piece and underwear as perverted and unsafe for children![]()
This is just par for the course for DC, who seems determined to jack up what little continuity they have left.
From eliminating the multi-universe in the original Crisis, to bring back the multi-verse with Infinite crisis, from changing Superman's origin so there was no Superboy, to bringing back Superboy and re-introducing him into continuity, to the mulitple re-boots of the Legion of Superheroes, and now they feel the need to change Wonder Woman's origin. DC seems hell bent and determined to make their books as confusing as possible. Additionally, I think the new costume is boring & forgettable. Why DC thinks bringing back the 90's "superheroes in jackets" phase is a good idea is beyond me.
I have always been a DC guy, but I have lost complete faith in DC over the past 2-3 years. My pull list at my LCS use to be full of DC titles, now I'm down to Green Lantern & Green Lantern Corps. I will be canceling both Wonder Woman and Superman. I have little desire to read about a "urbanized" Wonder Woman or spend a year reading about Superman trying to find himself. Heck as readers we just spent a year trying to find Superman ourselves because hasn't even appeared appeared in his own book.
There is a reason why Marvel kicks DC butts on a regular basis...having grown up a DC fan it pains me to say that.
____ them. They should all be forced to stare at Ed Benes girls for the remainder of eternity. Like A Clockwork Orange. Putting Wonder Woman in pants is obscene. She may as well be wearing a burka.
Quick question, do you read/buy WW comics?
Jair said:Again its always about the costume, which doesn't sell comics, they can sex it up all folks want, it still doesn't change the fact it doesn't sell.
Jair said:They have cancelled better selling comics over the years, yet they continue to publish WW, partially in part due to the agreement with the Marston estate, which lets they control the license. If folks want to read a comic with half naked women, why not just move over to Tarot... (not pointing out you, but those who are fixated by her costume)
I can't speak much on Marvel or how their continuity works but I've heard the X-books are as confusing as anything out there.
Again I think the thing that people are glossing over is the fact not a whole lot of comic buyers read/buy WW much less the general public, who may or may not be fans of hers, they still don't buy the comic.
I don't consider her sexed up. Do you consider Batman, Superman or Green Lantern to be sexed up? The power of Wonder Woman as a symbol is the fact that her sexuality is uncompromised by her virtue, and vice versa. The simple fact is that she is as superlatively beautiful as she is powerful. Why should she be modest about either?
Wonder Woman has out of the "DC Trinity" been the most difficult to "get right" because people have different ideas about her. Batman is pretty simple, rich boy who build gadgets, muscular but not hulking to keep the humanity aspect. Superman again, alien, muscular, strong presence. Costumes as well have been pretty close to one another with only subtile changes.
If you look at Wondy, some like the large muscular, other the soft feminine. Some want tall, others shorter than the other heroes. Some want the Lynda Carter look without question, others more Greek. Each one of her writers tries to put their stamp on her and so do the artists which leads for strange consistencies amongst them. Adam Hughes, Michael Turner, Jim Lee, Alex Ross, the list goes on and one about how they wanted her to look and not how she looked just a couple of issues ago in terms of things from spanky length to body proportions.
Hell Perez was brought in to write the Blackest Night tie-ins and left Gail Simone pissed and out in the dark continuing her line separate. Johns even admitted that he was wrong in going with Perez instead of consulting with Simone after issue 1.
She has been treated like an afterthought even though she is one of DC's most iconic heroes and now that they are trying to streamline her I guarantee you that it'll piss off the real fans of hers more than anything else.
Personally I've always preferred the softer Wondy over the tall Amazon who is buff because it made it much more of a showing of power when she punched out Superman or lifted a car but that's me.
Yes I do.
I don't consider her sexed up. Do you consider Batman, Superman or Green Lantern to be sexed up? The power of Wonder Woman as a symbol is the fact that her sexuality is uncompromised by her virtue, and vice versa. The simple fact is that she is as superlatively beautiful as she is powerful. Why should she be modest about either?
I think the reason she doesn't sell is because ultimately, she is not treated properly. The closer she gets to Athena/Aphrodite, and the further away from Mother Theresa/Gloria Steinem, the more worth reading she becomes.
I think you mean Rucka on the Blackest Night tie-ins and Simone herself said while she wasn't consulted, she thought Rucka had a tremendous amount of respect and wasn't too concerned with him writing it.
I had great respect for Rucka's run on Wonder Woman but this whole unrequited love deal with Bruce is absolutely ludicrous. There is a complete disconnect to what is going on in Diana's title currently
Wow, Mr Rucka what WW comic have I been reading? Clearly no respect to what Ms Simone has been writing or any WW writer.
Diana is supposedly out of the blue so in love with Batman still that he is the only thing that represents love for her and she is still holding some torch for him?
both Rucka and Nicola did a great job in their presentation of Diana but it doesn't exactly fit in with Diana that we've seen with Simone
Exactly...I love the fact that WW is the embodiment of strength, beauty, a warrior's heart, AND she has sex appeal. Yes her costume is appealing and I have no problems stating that. But her costume is also iconic, and the current incarnation of her costume is not my cup of tea. I'm not saying that WW has to run around and fight crime in a wet t-shirt and g-string, but does she have to fight crime in a retro 1990's "New X-men" costume?
You're right, I meant Rucka. While Gail towed the company line eventually I do sincerely remember reading a quote where she admits she was upset that the planning of Blackest Night involving Wonder Woman continued without her input or her storylines even consulted. Think about it, Gail Simone has been praised on Wonder Woman both fanatically and critically, yet the DC Chiefs literally went completely and ignored what Simone had been writing and had her deeply infatuated and still in love with Batman leading to her acceptance of the Sapphire ring.
The fans went ape____....
Honestly, how many other writers would have this happen to them? DC would never do this to Morrison or Johns, they hold continuity tight in those titles (Batman, Superman, Flash, Green Lantern) especially during events and usually in between them. Yet Simone's run on Wonder Woman was easily just tossed aside for another WW writer to put their spin on Diana? To me that proved without the shadow of a doubt that she is seriously an afterthought in the DC Head offices regardless about how much the character itself is loved.