Wonder Woman - June 2, 2017

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Well it was hamfisted and they kept repeating the same lines. I though the beginning was okay, and I went "yeah, I know where you're going, let's see" but we never "got" anywhere. Folks were afraid of Superman, he kept doubting himself and the world suddenly did an 180. You could've explored the public in more depth, you could've showed people coming to terms with, stuff like that. The DotD scene, while cheesy, was kind of a step in the right direction, but then we never progressed past that.
I agree, I was sure when the camera was scanning the faces of the mourners in Metropolis, we'd see that millennial kid with the "NO *Alien face*" face paint with the Superman symbol instead of that, showing that the public finally embraced Superman completely, like V for Vendetta, but nothing, missed opportunity.

As for Luthor, I don't believe he was portrayed as a fedora-gentleman. More like a Deist. He doesn't believe in any particular god or worship him/her, but he obviously knows that there's something greater and far more dangerous out there. I got a crazier, evil, Tesla vibe from, TBH.
I would say he was more of a Satanist in that he was defiant to "gods".

But I honestly don't know how to pin him, he was a humanist, but he also envied Superman.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I agree, I was sure when the camera was scanning the faces of the mourners in Metropolis, we'd see that millennial kid with the "NO *Alien face*" face paint with the Superman symbol instead of that, showing that the public finally embraced Superman completely, like V for Vendetta, but nothing, missed opportunity.

True. I was expecting that as well. Missed opportunity.

I would say he was more of a Satanist in that he was defiant to "gods".

But I honestly don't know how to pin him, he was a humanist, but he also envied Superman.

I pinned him as a jealous, petty man who wants to be a god and head for the stars, but since he can't, he's gonna destroy the one who is. Kinda keeping in line with classic Luthor now that I think of it...
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I pinned him as a jealous, petty man who wants to be a god and head for the stars, but since he can't, he's gonna destroy the one who is. Kinda keeping in line with classic Luthor now that I think of it...
Yeah that's what I said in the other thread, the Luthor core is there, just, everything else isn't :lol
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

More than anything, I'd say he was an egoist. Summed up perfectly with his "God bows to me" aside. Honestly, he was weird, and off putting, but I didn't hate it. I can't really see where he'd be of use going into the future, though, because, even assuming prison somehow made him a more competent, more sinister Luthor, without his money and his influence, he's really got nothing going for him, and I can't picture him donning a Kryptonite Power Suit without looking absolutely absurd.:lol
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

More than anything, I'd say he was an egoist. Summed up perfectly with his "God bows to me" aside. Honestly, he was weird, and off putting, but I didn't hate it. I can't really see where he'd be of use going into the future, though, because, even assuming prison somehow made him a more competent, more sinister Luthor, without his money and his influence, he's really got nothing going for him, and I can't picture him donning a Kryptonite Power Suit without looking absolutely absurd.:lol

Yeah I can't imagine where they could go either, but everything is pretty unexpected in this universe. I'm not sure what to expect of Darkseid either, I hope they don't go too "unconventional" with him too. I hope if they go a different route with Darkseid, they do the equivalent of what they did to Batman.

The parademons were great imo, seeing them snatch people, so I hope that's a good sign.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Yeah I can't imagine where they could go either, but everything is pretty unexpected in this universe. I'm not sure what to expect of Darkseid either, I hope they don't go too "unconventional" with him too. I hope if they go a different route with Darkseid, they do the equivalent of what they did to Batman.

The parademons were great imo, seeing them snatch people, so I hope that's a good sign.

Yeah, hearing people complaining about the Parademons really pissed me off. I read a review on io9 that called them "flying monkeys," and I couldn't help but facepalm. It's like "you're a ****ing geek/sci-fi website and you either don't know what Parademons are or ridicule their appearance, anyway?"
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

The Parademons were creepy as hell. I mean, seriously, they have a "get ready for the rape train" expression on them...And I loved that. Seriously, they're in there for a few seconds, but they're like something out of a horror movie. The whole Knightmare sequence was intriguing, if short and problematic. BUT, it was great to see. Let's hope the R-Cut has more of that and less of of mopey Supes.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

The Parademons were creepy as hell. I mean, seriously, they have a "get ready for the rape train" expression on them...And I loved that. Seriously, they're in there for a few seconds, but they're like something out of a horror movie. The whole Knightmare sequence was intriguing, if short and problematic. BUT, it was great to see. Let's hope the R-Cut has more of that and less of of mopey Supes.

I have to say, though, there is something incredibly unsettling about Supes just cutting down all those prisoners with his heat vision, without them making a sound, and then just seeing their arms still hanging there.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I have to say, though, there is something incredibly unsettling about Supes just cutting down all those prisoners with his heat vision, without them making a sound, and then just seeing their arms still hanging there.

Yeah, I was expecting something much worse and graphic to happen to Batman, but we didn't get something like that. Honestly, since they decided to put them in the movie, we could've used more time with them. As it stands, we got really little info as to what the whole thing was supposed to be or why Superman went so damn nuts. I know it's set-up, but we could have used 5 more minutes or so.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Yeah, I was expecting something much worse and graphic to happen to Batman, but we didn't get something like that. Honestly, since they decided to put them in the movie, we could've used more time with them. As it stands, we got really little info as to what the whole thing was supposed to be or why Superman went so damn nuts. I know it's set-up, but we could have used 5 more minutes or so.

I can honestly say that I genuinely wouldn't mind if Justice League Part I was a sort of "what is and what shall become" type scenario, where we got to see this Batman's world and his future, while seeing Batfleck and his "seven samurai" quest to unite the League. I'd assume the Flash that we saw is from the same alternate future as this Batman.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I can honestly say that I genuinely wouldn't mind if Justice League Part I was a sort of "what is and what shall become" type scenario, where we got to see this Batman's world and his future, while seeing Batfleck and his "seven samurai" quest to unite the League. I'd assume the Flash that we saw is from the same alternate future as this Batman.

Hmm, that could work. Hence why the "first movie" is being split into 2 parts. I wouldn't mind that, actually. But I dunno, as the 4th movie in the DCEU, and without having heard most Leaguers even speak, I don't know how well it's gonna work out. Thing is, if you defeat Darkseid in just the first JL movie, where do you go then? Anti-Monitor and the like?

You could, in theory, have the first half of Part One be set in the Dystopian World, and then cut to Bruce and Diana assembling the League, in order to face Darkseid in Part 2, which comes out 2 years later. In the meantime, shows us Aquaman and the Flash, so that we'll be familiar with them by the time JL: P2 rolls around. So, in a sense, have JL be the "now" and the first solos prequels. Eh, it could work, but it's kinda messy.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Hmm, that could work. Hence why the "first movie" is being split into 2 parts. I wouldn't mind that, actually. But I dunno, as the 4th movie in the DCEU, and without having heard most Leaguers even speak, I don't know how well it's gonna work out. Thing is, if you defeat Darkseid in just the first JL movie, where do you go then? Anti-Monitor and the like?

You could, in theory, have the first half of Part One be set in the Dystopian World, and then cut to Bruce and Diana assembling the League, in order to face Darkseid in Part 2, which comes out 2 years later. In the meantime, shows us Aquaman and the Flash, so that we'll be familiar with them by the time JL: P2 rolls around. So, in a sense, have JL be the "now" and the first solos prequels. Eh, it could work, but it's kinda messy.

What I was thinking is kind of parallel this world's Batman heeding Flash's warning and getting the band together, and then maybe showing how we got to that point in the alt timeline. Show Batman and Flash and whatever heroes are left on that world having gone up against Darkseid and Superman, and maybe tie it together with BvS by ending the parallel story with him traveling to warn Batman of the impending doom, and then, on our world, having Darkseid arriving with his initial invasion force. Then, Part II can be the actual League vs. Darkseid showdown.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I had an idea for titles for the movies. Justice League: Alpha and Justice League: Omega.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

What I was thinking is kind of parallel this world's Batman heeding Flash's warning and getting the band together, and then maybe showing how we got to that point in the alt timeline. Show Batman and Flash and whatever heroes are left on that world having gone up against Darkseid and Superman, and maybe tie it together with BvS by ending the parallel story with him traveling to warn Batman of the impending doom, and then, on our world, having Darkseid arriving with his initial invasion force. Then, Part II can be the actual League vs. Darkseid showdown.

That'd be a great movie, no doubt. The setting alone would make it worth it, but, thing is... we don't know who Aquaman is. We don't know who the Flash is. We don't know who Cyborg is. Superman is dead. Essentially, you'd have 3 movies in one once again. The possible future, the recruitment and the introductions. Dunno, this has BvS messiness written all over it again. Personally, I'd just can Snyder, move Part 1 closer to Part 2, and bring Aquaman and Flash closer to Wonder Woman.

I had an idea for titles for the movies. Justice League: Alpha and Justice League: Omega.

That does sound cool,but if you have the subtitle "Omega" in the 2nd/1st JL film, what's next?
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Flashpoint, any of the crisis, Anti-monitor, Crime Syndicate, Brainiac, Trigon.

Or just Flashpoint and start with the "real" Classic-like DCCU.

Eh, I guess. It's just that I really like The Fourth World/New Gods, so having them be done after one or two movies rubs me the wrong way. Maybe we could get a movie about them later.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Wonder Woman was the best part of BvS for me. I hope the extended cut has more (or longer) scenes with her in them. :pray:

I cannot wait for her solo film next year. I loved her theme and I am excited about the setting of this film. I like how they linked BvS subtly with her solo film by the photo.