Wonder Woman - June 2, 2017

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I don't know much about Wonder Woman, never read comics and, although I remember the TV show, it would have only been the odd rerun I saw but didn't specifically aim to watch when I was a child. However, I liked Gal Gadot. Hot as ****. I'm sure she warrants more evolved commentary than that but I've got beers in me and I really should be asleep..which I will see to forthwith.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

So what is this Rebirth business? Nu-52 2.0?

Seems kind of like a bit of refining of the New 52. From what I understand, the Superman in that picture is the pre-Flashpoint Supes who was living on New 52 Earth in secret. So, we're back to having original Supes, at least. The boy is he and Lois' son, and he and Damian will be leading their own "Super Sons" series, which I'm curious about, because I remember it back when it was an Alex Ross pitch.

We're getting the actual JSA back, from what I understand, somehow. Grayson's back to being Nightwing. Action and Detective are both going back to their original numbering. Yeah, honestly, I couldn't really tell you, but, for the most part, it seems like a bit of course correction to try to find the happy medium between their "new, diverse" customer base they went after with New 52 and the DC You stuff, and the old guard Pre-Flashpoint fans.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Wonder if they'll have WW battle Ares, the god of war. More likely they'll have her character development in Themyscira first.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

If I remember correctly, according to a rumor, Ares is the reason WWI is happening, which is why WW is involved there.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

So what is this Rebirth business? Nu-52 2.0?

Geoff described it as something akin to the Green Lantern and Flash Rebirth stories, just line-wide. Meaning that the Post-Nu52 continuity remains intact, but certain "mysteries" about certain characters' pasts will be revealed. I like it well enough, truth be told. I just hope their books keep going for at least a couple of years before renumbering.

So, anybody made up their mind on whether or not they're adding anything? I don't have many locks yet since I have to juggle my Marvel pull as well, but I'm certainly finding lots to like. The GL line is kinda messed up though. Baz and Cruz share a title, but all other lanterns (Jon, Hal, Kyle, Guy) get shafted in one book, while Cruz and Baz are also added to the League. Personally, I think they should've gone 2 per book. Kyle and Guy in Corps, Cruz and Hal in Lanterns, and Jon and Baz in JL. Or something like that, just not what they're doing.

PS: No Midnighter or Martian Manhunter make me sad...
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Geoff described it as something akin to the Green Lantern and Flash Rebirth stories, just line-wide. Meaning that the Post-Nu52 continuity remains intact, but certain "mysteries" about certain characters' pasts will be revealed. I like it well enough, truth be told. I just hope their books keep going for at least a couple of years before renumbering.

So, anybody made up their mind on whether or not they're adding anything? I don't have many locks yet since I have to juggle my Marvel pull as well, but I'm certainly finding lots to like. The GL line is kinda messed up though. Baz and Cruz share a title, but all other lanterns (Jon, Hal, Kyle, Guy) get shafted in one book, while Cruz and Baz are also added to the League. Personally, I think they should've gone 2 per book. Kyle and Guy in Corps, Cruz and Hal in Lanterns, and Jon and Baz in JL. Or something like that, just not what they're doing.

PS: No Midnighter or Martian Manhunter make me sad...

Trinity seems like perfection for me, just purely based on the fact that I'll get to see some glorious Manapul goodness on a monthly basis. All-Star Batman is pretty much a guaranteed sell for me with Snyder attached, and I dig the fact that they're doing a semi-Black & White type thing with artists. I couldn't give two ****s about Romita, but Jock, Murphy, and Pope are all fantastic. Romita's not terrible, but he's just very, very "meh." I'd never put him in the same category as guys like Liefeld, but it seems like he's really lost his touch over the years.

I liked what I read of Seeley's Grayson, though I only read the first trade's worth, so, I might want to get caught up on that, but I'm pretty sure I'll be adding Nightwing. I'll probably get Batman, but I may skip Detective this time around. Superman stuff's interesting to me; I'm just debating whether or not I want to follow both. I know Action's continuing to follow Pre-52 Clark, but is the regular Superman book about this Clark? Anyway, other than that, I think I'll probably check Flash out. I'm curious what that JSA book is going to be like/who's on it, and I'm also curious about what the new JLA book can bring to the table. Hitch on JL with Tony Daniel leaves me feeling quite "meh."
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Trinity seems like perfection for me, just purely based on the fact that I'll get to see some glorious Manapul goodness on a monthly basis. All-Star Batman is pretty much a guaranteed sell for me with Snyder attached, and I dig the fact that they're doing a semi-Black & White type thing with artists. I couldn't give two ****s about Romita, but Jock, Murphy, and Pope are all fantastic. Romita's not terrible, but he's just very, very "meh." I'd never put him in the same category as guys like Liefeld, but it seems like he's really lost his touch over the years.

I liked what I read of Seeley's Grayson, though I only read the first trade's worth, so, I might want to get caught up on that, but I'm pretty sure I'll be adding Nightwing. I'll probably get Batman, but I may skip Detective this time around. Superman stuff's interesting to me; I'm just debating whether or not I want to follow both. I know Action's continuing to follow Pre-52 Clark, but is the regular Superman book about this Clark? Anyway, other than that, I think I'll probably check Flash out. I'm curious what that JSA book is going to be like/who's on it, and I'm also curious about what the new JLA book can bring to the table. Hitch on JL with Tony Daniel leaves me feeling quite "meh."

Trinity is on my radar just because of Diana and Bruce. I want to see them become a couple, dammit! Screw Supes/Wonder, it's all about Batman and Wonder Woman. Granted, he'd need some, uh, "enhancements" to keep up, but I'm sure he could whip something up... Both All-Star and the main title sound great. All-Star's villain focus has certainly caught my attention. Though the name does bring back bad memories...*shudder*...

Nightwing I am interested in, cause we'll probably see Midnighter pop in these again, and I do like the creative team, so I have on my consideration list. Action-Comics I'm interested in just cause of Luthor, but considering I want to many other books, I may have to trade wait on that one. As for JSA/Earth-2, rumour has it that it'll be announced at Emeraldcon as the JLA book, with maybe Hickman as the writer. Personally, I'd rather he tackles something like New Gods or something, but I'll take everything he puts out. Hitch on JL ain't that great, but I'll give it a shot as it's the "main title" of main titles.

Flash, Green Lantern and the like interest me on some level, but I think I'm gonna pass, unless I find some room. Batman-books go first, then Wonder Woman, then JL, then Deathstroke (so excited for Priest), and then I start looking at the Green Arrows and the Cyborgs. Plus, I do have to juggle some Marvel books (Moon Knight, Vader, Black Panther at the very least), so it's going to take some time to think this through.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

So after seeing the new Batman Superman movie, which I thought was alright I spose. I am excited to see this new Wonder Woman because she was cool in the movie. :)
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

After all the running I did to get to the cinema on time that wouldn't have worked out too well for me :D
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Geoff described it as something akin to the Green Lantern and Flash Rebirth stories, just line-wide. Meaning that the Post-Nu52 continuity remains intact, but certain "mysteries" about certain characters' pasts will be revealed. I like it well enough, truth be told. I just hope their books keep going for at least a couple of years before renumbering.

So, anybody made up their mind on whether or not they're adding anything? I don't have many locks yet since I have to juggle my Marvel pull as well, but I'm certainly finding lots to like. The GL line is kinda messed up though. Baz and Cruz share a title, but all other lanterns (Jon, Hal, Kyle, Guy) get shafted in one book, while Cruz and Baz are also added to the League. Personally, I think they should've gone 2 per book. Kyle and Guy in Corps, Cruz and Hal in Lanterns, and Jon and Baz in JL. Or something like that, just not what they're doing.

PS: No Midnighter or Martian Manhunter make me sad...
Have they announced the creative teams DC comics needs strong artists they. Marvel uses a ton of them don't know why they can not luck some of them up on contracts.

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017
