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Can't say i am :(, actually i'm on the edge of cancellation new issue are showing up with this piece left and right, i saw that guy earlier who received a statue with arrows pointing out the flaws on the statue, thats a new level of i don't give a f#$% by the companies lol.

I can practically assure you that that piece was accidentally shipped out. Pieces that have sticky arrows pointing out imperfections are QC rejects. Someone accidentally shipped that piece out. It wasn't an F U by SSC. This even happened with an XM statue. XM is practically worshiped for their exceptional QC. A guy on this forum ordered an XM Cap. When he received it, it had numerous paint issues that had the sticky arrows on the figure pointing them out. To make matters worse, the head sculpt couldn't even be placed on the figure. When the buyer contacted XM they said that piece was a QC reject that was accidentally shipped out. They promptly replaced it with an all new piece. This stuff happens from time to time. So long as companies are willing to correct the issues, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and cut them some slack.
So with all the complaints I'm reading about this statue I decided to go back over mine with a fine tooth comb. She has a small paint chip on one of her hair strands, and a small paint chip on the back of her right leg. The hair can easily be touched up, and the leg is small and in the back so you won't even see it. Besides that she's perfect.
Okay Guys and Gals, #774/3500 For those of you counting.
Over all she's the most stunning Female Statue I've seen from Sideshow, hands down. Mine does have minor paint issues around the lines of her boots where they meet her leg and small issue with an over bleed on the hand that holds the axe. Nothing major though and these can either be touched up by me or honestly flat out ignored because unless I've standing 3 inches from her, I'll never see them. Other than that she's perfect. The base is hollow, but that's a good thing because it's friggin huge. She however feels pretty solid. Oh and the Axe does make a pretty amazing EX, I actually thought I'd like the shield better but for some reason when I got her in hand The Axe took over.

Over all 9/10, she's a keeper.

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Congrats Josh, she looks great! I'm glad she came in safe. I can't wait to see your Trinity pics.

Marvelousmuncy, you have to send those pictures to SS. I can't see how SS wouldn't replace the axe hand at least.

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Congrats Josh, she looks great! I'm glad she came in safe. I can't wait to see your Trinity pics.

Marvelousmuncy, you have to send those pictures to SS. I can't see how SS wouldn't replace the axe hand at least.

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hah! Thanks. the Trinity pics will have to be this weekend. I'm picking up some new shelves as my main shelf will now be for Life Size busts my how I've fallen down that rabbit hole.
Looking good Razor. Congrats! Send in that Ex pic!

I'm interested in how people are placing GL with the Trinity. Are you guys putting him further back and elevated? Or in a separate display with Sinestro? In terms of sculpt, I think Hal looks fantastic.

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Just got a waitlist conversion on the EX. Have the weekend to decide if I want to keep it. I don't have any strong feelings for the character, but I think the trinity looks great and I've decided to get Supes for sure. The timing is pretty bad though...
Mine came tonight. She completes the Trinity to perfection. Miniscule issues and by miniscule I will agree you have to magnify them to even see them.

The total paint application and sculpt is awe inspiring. The gloss on the lips is a ridiculously nice touch. Putting the shield at the bottom of the base with her holding the axe is perfection as witnessed early on in this thread via photoshop. Her eyes... she will kill you and have sex with you at the same time with her eyes. Her butt and bust the pictures do not do them justice. The subtle yet toned aspects of her muscular definition are hard to compare. This is an alpha female athlete who can put on a skirt, heels and look like the sexiest woman in the place...

Bravo Sideshow.
Mine came tonight. She completes the Trinity to perfection. Miniscule issues and by miniscule I will agree you have to magnify them to even see them.

The total paint application and sculpt is awe inspiring. The gloss on the lips is a ridiculously nice touch. Putting the shield at the bottom of the base with her holding the axe is perfection as witnessed early on in this thread via photoshop. Her eyes... she will kill you and have sex with you at the same time with her eyes. Her butt and bust the pictures do not do them justice. The subtle yet toned aspects of her muscular definition are hard to compare. This is an alpha female athlete who can put on a skirt, heels and look like the sexiest woman in the place...

Bravo Sideshow.

I concur, I especially like the subtle skin tone changes that accentuate her musculature. Pretty amazing. :hi5:
Just got a waitlist conversion on the EX. Have the weekend to decide if I want to keep it. I don't have any strong feelings for the character, but I think the trinity looks great and I've decided to get Supes for sure. The timing is pretty bad though...

I'll take it off your hands if you don't want it. I got on the wait list for EX pretty late & I'd really rather not wait. Send me a PM if you're interested in letting me make the wait list conversion payment.

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Mine came tonight. She completes the Trinity to perfection. Miniscule issues and by miniscule I will agree you have to magnify them to even see them.

The total paint application and sculpt is awe inspiring. The gloss on the lips is a ridiculously nice touch. Putting the shield at the bottom of the base with her holding the axe is perfection as witnessed early on in this thread via photoshop. Her eyes... she will kill you and have sex with you at the same time with her eyes. Her butt and bust the pictures do not do them justice. The subtle yet toned aspects of her muscular definition are hard to compare. This is an alpha female athlete who can put on a skirt, heels and look like the sexiest woman in the place...

Bravo Sideshow.
Does make me want a dress variant