Premium Format Wonder Woman Premium Format

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I got an EX wait list conversion tonight. Went on the wait list on January 6, 2015. Very excited!
Nice! I went on wait list Jan 11th and pre-ordered at the same time.

Just got the standard edition today.

Hoping for that conversion...
Just got a waitlist conversion on the EX. Have the weekend to decide if I want to keep it. I don't have any strong feelings for the character, but I think the trinity looks great and I've decided to get Supes for sure. The timing is pretty bad though...

When did you go on the wait list if you don't mind me asking?
Just un-boxed mines and right off the back broken spear SMH



Okay Guys and Gals, #774/3500 For those of you counting.
Over all she's the most stunning Female Statue I've seen from Sideshow, hands down. Mine does have minor paint issues around the lines of her boots where they meet her leg and small issue with an over bleed on the hand that holds the axe. Nothing major though and these can either be touched up by me or honestly flat out ignored because unless I've standing 3 inches from her, I'll never see them. Other than that she's perfect. The base is hollow, but that's a good thing because it's friggin huge. She however feels pretty solid. Oh and the Axe does make a pretty amazing EX, I actually thought I'd like the shield better but for some reason when I got her in hand The Axe took over.

Over all 9/10, she's a keeper.

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Congrats bro! She looks awesome! I see the back is giving spider woman a run for the money unlike the terrible revised x-men rogue rear end. So ex or fail for WW? SS can still take your time on mine. I just want the QC issues to be tweaked out first before they ship mine. Loving all these great pics!
that arm would bug the heck out of me. You should hopefully be able to get a replacement from SS rather than settle.

MY Wonder Woman has a chip on her ax arm, chipping around the arm itself and neither arm seems to fit right. However I love her and the rest of the statue is near flawless. I was especially worried about the face cause I thought it looked goofy in a lot of pics (might just not photograph well). Bottom line no way I'm sending her back. The chipping sucks but I can deal with it cause the rest of the statue is beautiful.
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Congrats to all the people getting waitlist conversions! However, if your statues ship before mine I'm going to lose my **** on SS. :lecture