I thought the trailer was pretty good, and for fans of the FoX-Men franchise, there's a lot to be excited for, but I have a feeling with this releasing in between Civil War and BvS that it's going to be forgotten pretty quick by the general public no matter how good it is.
I also agree that some background shots looked really fake, I think Clown Prince gave a perfect example with Mortal Kombat Annihilation

but designs and style have never been Singer's strong suit so there's nothing new there. I'm sure the acting and writing will be top notch like the rest of Singer's X-Men films though, and that's what always matters most to me.
Edit: Oh and I thought Jennifer Lawrence has been pretty terrible in these films so far but she didn't bother me in the trailer at all, she seems to be doing a better job playing a heroic Mystique as opposed to the crazy psychotic femme fatale she was supposed to be in FC and DOFP.
Update: just watched the trailer again and I take everything I said back about Jennifer Lawrence, looks like she's doing a piss poor job. Hopefully she decides to leaves the franchise after this one.
Overall though, I thought the trailer was good but not great, I still think BvS second trailer was the best superhero trailer of the year so far at getting people hype but no showing much, then the their trailer ruined it all
I'm expecting big things from trailer two for Apocalypse.
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