I'll be honest, I liked the trailer, I didn't love it, but unlike DOFP I'm not sure if this is going to turn out good. Or maybe I'm just getting bored of this franchise now that I know it won't have an end. The MCU has had a negative influence on almost all genre films now. I like when franchises have an ending, but now because of the MCU everything is serialized, filmmakers are limited in making the best movie they can possibly make. All these movies just seem like they are catering to fans, or a specific demographic which is just making everything far too predictable and generic now. I miss the days when filmmakers weren't making movies that we wanted, but making movies we didn't even know we wanted, like The Dark Knight, X2, Spider-Man 2, Batman 89, I'll even throw in Donner's unfinished Superman 2.
These days I even appreciate the failed attempts at producing something new and fresh such as Fantastic Four. I'll take another failed Fantastic Four reboot with an original idea, over Antman 2, Iron Man 4, Avengers 10 etc.....
I would have liked if Singer's X-Men films ended with DOFP but that's just impossible these days, now that everything is milked to death. Hopefully he's doing something different with Apocalypse, something that's sets it apart from the other films in the franchise because just like every of franchise out there right now, I'm starting to get fatigued.
There's only two superhero films coming out that actually look different to me, and that's Deadpool which I don't even think looks very good so far, and Suicide Squad which I do think looks pretty cool so far. I also like what they're doing with Leto's Joker. Everything else just looks like the same tired, predictable filler we've been watching for the past 5 years.
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