I think its cool that Cap and the First Class X-Men have kind of been kindred trilogies.
This is no knock on Winter Soldier at all, but I think the biggest factor affecting the success of Cap 3 is going to be the general success of the franchise at that point. Marvel Studios is loved by folks right now. GOTG rode on the coat tails of those great movies that came before it, and is a massive success. If Avengers 2 doesn't live up to expectations, if Ant-Man bombs, etc., Cap 3 could have a tough road, even if it's a really good movie.There always seems to be a bit of a "Part III" curse but I think Cap definitely has enough audience goodwill now to finally have a movie that cracks the $300 million domestic ceiling assuming the Russo Bros deliver another solid movie.
Okay I'm calling it now:
X-Men kicks Captain America 3's ass. Magneto lifts a pyramid.
You heard it here first.
Pretty sure it will. First Class outrated The First Avenger and DOFP outrated TWS
Do you think Cap 3 is going to make more money than TWS?
As long as it doesn't pull an IM3 or TDKR, everything should be fine.
Not sure what you're talking about. TDKR grossed $80mil more than TDK at the box office. $IM2 grossed $624mil and was spanked by IM3 which grossed $1.2bil
Iron Man 3 was better than Iron Man 2.
Iron Man 3 was better than Iron Man 2.
I just checked, and apparently Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes both agree with me.
Metacritic and Rottentomatoes. The most trusted resources when they agree with you, totally dismissable when they don't.![]()
Metacritic and Rottentomatoes. The most trusted resources when they agree with you, totally dismissable when they don't.![]()