Insufferable S.O.B.
Zack Snyder is going to release Order 66.
Today's GA wants safe, generic summer fare disguised as serious, inspired filmmaking.
Iron Man 3, Thor: TDW, AOU, CW....the trailers for those movies made them look like masterpieces.
Disney knows how to sell tickets.
The only movies that have been honest with their marketing were GOTG & Ant-Man which delivered exactly what the packaging claimed they would.
Civil War actually looked like a war movie in those trailers.
Exactly. Its not a bad movie nor is it the masterpiece the MCU lovers are making it out to be.
Its a good, fun popcorn movie perfect for Feige's safe MCU.
At this point I'm starting to think TWS was a fluke that The Russos somehow got past Feige and co.'s strict kid-friendly guidelines.
I'm 100% convinced that Nick Fury's miraculous "Hey, he's really alive!" was all Feige's doing. I mean, at least they waited for a year of so for a TV show (AOS) before robbing all of the emotional weight from Coulson's "death" in THE AVENGERS. In TWS, they bring Fury back in the same damn movie! That's absolutely its one big flaw, imho. Because it rings completely hollow.... you can just FEEL that the movie really wanted to kill him off, but wasn't allowed to.
Yup Feige is so evil that he allowed the Russo's to make 2 great superhero movies, damn that man.
Many movie sites reported that the problem isn't Feige, it was his boss Perlmutter who is now gone.
Even if it is Feige so what, every movie made will always have studio interference, it can't be Hollywood without that taking place.
Look at the PT, no one stepped in to interfere and looked how they turned out.
Sometimes producers from the studios actually help make a movie better.
Fury Road was taken over by the producers for awhile and it received high praise.
"Deadpool, the movie you have to be 17 years old to see but 16 years old to appreciate." That about sums it up.
What do people want from these films?? I mean I read Marvel comics and while I know some of them can get dark they are for the most part a pretty light affair. Admittedly I was not a Cap comic guy so perhaps those get dark, I don't know.
I'll take something ambitious and chaotic done out of respect for the source any day over something censored and restrained to appease children and sell toys.
Nice try with that "you gotta be 16 to appreciate Deadpool" bit though. I hate to break it to you, but its your beloved MCU that's being made first and foremost for the high school crowd.
I think if they can't off major characters after a 17 movie buildup to a galactic threat then they'll never have any credibly stakes going forward. And it would be silly if Ultron was more lethal than Thanos. But at this point I'm sure the Russos will deliver regardless of who lives or dies.
With regard to replacing Tony Stark, was Iron Pepper a big thing in the comics? Maybe Paltrow could wear the armor for a couple movies.
In the Brubaker run (which was after 2002), Cap kills a few terrorists. And he had no real qualms about it. But it's true that Cap isn't a guy who runs around killing baddies left and right in the comics. And typically he'll do what he can to minimize the loss of life.No darker than the films. For over 30 years (1968-2002) Cap killed all of two bad guys; one vampire and one terrorist (and he was pretty bothered about the terrorist.) The body count in the Russo films is much, much higher than the comics so anyone who complains that their films are sanitized or for kids or whatever just isn't very familiar with the source material.
I think if they can't off major characters after a 17 movie buildup to a galactic threat then they'll never have any credible stakes to speak of going forward. And it would be silly if Ultron was more lethal than Thanos. But at this point I'm sure the Russos will deliver regardless of who lives or dies.
With regard to replacing Tony Stark, was Iron Pepper a big thing in the comics? Maybe Paltrow could wear the armor for a couple movies.
In the Brubaker run (which was after 2002), Cap kills a few terrorists. And he had no real qualms about it. But it's true that Cap isn't a guy who runs around killing baddies left and right in the comics. And typically he'll do what he can to minimize the loss of life.
No darker than the films. For over 30 years (1968-2002) Cap killed all of two bad guys; one vampire and one terrorist (and he was pretty bothered about the terrorist.) The body count in the Russo films is much, much higher than the comics so anyone who complains that their films are sanitized or for kids or whatever just isn't very familiar with the source material.
Or just desperate to set up a cardboard target that their precious can knock down.
I truly can't take any of the anti-Marvel/pro-Fox or WB arguments when the movies from those other studios are doing everything Marvel is criticized for even worse. Aside from The DARK TONE. Which is apparently important to some people.
To date, even with the takeback, Coulson's death was the most effective in any modern CBM I can remember. I've read fans discredit that but applaud BvS killing a Superman no-one liked for about 15 minutes.
I guess I just don't fit in any of the trenches.
I didn't even realizewas dead until it was explained later. It actually reminded me of the X3 "Cyclops is dead *shrug*" that everyone hated so much. And even when I realized it...who cares?Havok
I dunno. Might be time for me to cash in my chips re: CBMs. I truly contemplated walking out of this one but stuck it out. The audience cheered at the end*.
*The cheers may have been related to the texts and social media updates they were sending and receiving non-stop during the film. This was the first time I was ever bothered enough to tell someone to turn their phone off.
The audience in my theater got so sick of the pedestrian "final battle" that they all started chanting "CIVIL WAR...CIVIL WAR!" They weren't MCU fanboys either, in fact every single one of them were wearing X-Men t-shirts and costumes. It reminded me of when the Russians all started chanting Rocky's name.
Or just desperate to set up a cardboard target that their precious can knock down.
I truly can't take any of the anti-Marvel/pro-Fox or WB arguments when the movies from those other studios are doing everything Marvel is criticized for even worse. Aside from The DARK TONE. Which is apparently important to some people.
To date, even with the takeback, Coulson's death was the most effective in any modern CBM I can remember. I've read fans discredit that but applaud BvS killing a Superman no-one liked for about 15 minutes.
I guess I just don't fit in any of the trenches.
I didn't even realizewas dead until it was explained later. It actually reminded me of the X3 "Cyclops is dead *shrug*" that everyone hated so much. And even when I realized it...who cares?Havok
I dunno. Might be time for me to cash in my chips re: CBMs. I truly contemplated walking out of this one but stuck it out. The audience cheered at the end*.
*The cheers may have been related to the texts and social media updates they were sending and receiving non-stop during the film. This was the first time I was ever bothered enough to tell someone to turn their phone off.