XM Studios Brown Wolverine

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That's a free fall. Please enlighten me as to why Wolverine should be free falling on someone with his face, from a rooftop. Please tell me how can someone be diving with one foot still planted on a rooftop. Please let me know why you even think that's "right" for the character because sure as hell he doesn't fall with his face on people to kill them in the comics.
And the Hulk vs Wolverine diorama is not a dive, that's the ending portion of a jump. A dive is when your torso is closer to the ground than your feet, like the guys you posted. You know, that's how XM should sculpt Wolverine if he was already down from the rooftop and with something holding him up, like an enemy, done on ground level. But that would be the final part of the movement. They're doing the initial part.

But hey, yes, you're right. They should totally "get creative" and make a freefalling Wolverine, I'm sure that's what everyone wants.

Also: duh.
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Because skipping Wolverine is better??? Because Wolverine jumping off a roof in the most ackward mixed up in between motion ever is better then a dive??? Oh and your "duh" doesn't show the same thing or are you BLIND one is an arm forward in a slashing motion... the other has the upper body of someone in a ****ing body cast

By the way have you noticed that in just about every pic you used the arms are swung up to generate lift??? Not parallel to the shoulders and out???

Man, please. For the n-th time. Just take your a-- up from the seat and try to take a leap like that from something a bit higher from the ground.
For most human people, swinging arms is automatic (comes from the running pattern that happens before the jump and helps stabilize during the jump). Guess what, Wolverine doesn't need to to it, he's the guy that Jim Lee described as an "olympic gymnast doing excercises while playing chess with 3 supercomputers at the same time", but I guess that Jim Lee-esque mythos is entirely selective.
Also, you don't need to be a superpowered mutant to do leap forward with both arms retracted. I can do it and I'm entirely average, it just works a bit against the momentum of a leap, it makes you travel a shorter distance and that's all. If you're going to put your claws into someone, you need to retract the arms to pack kinetic energy for the strike when you land.
This guy here must be superpowered for real after all:

For the 10th time get that the pictures you are using prove you wrong. The guy above has his arms out front of him for balance they aren't pulled back like the pose is for Wolverine, and once again the picture above does NOT suit Wolverine as a character. Those are NORMAL people doing parkour and Wolverine doesn't do parkour.

Finally you keep going on about realistic, but XM themselves have said they aren't going for 100% realistic. So when in doubt go back to the source and get some inspiration from some of the best.

Spidey, you would pull your arms back at the same time you are pushing off with your back leg. I really don't see your argument here. And if you're going to pull out that diagram you like so much, why don't you pull it out on pieces like the new SS Venom you praised, which is the epitome of "stalled" action.
It's clear you want Wolverine to be diving down on something, which is fine, but it doesn't take away from the action represented here, which is leaping toward something farther away on the ground. It's literally the difference between something being directly below him or not, and they chose the dynamism of the latter instead of the passive "dropping" down or diving head first.
You are grossly underestimating the human body if you think you can't retract your arms during a leap. And not some athletic freak or gymnast, an absolutely average person can do it with no issue at all. You can move your arms freely during a leap. It will slow your momentum, possibly screw your balance, but someone barely decent in any free-body kind of training can move the arms as he pleases during a jump with no issues.
Scapulae retractors do work even during a jump and arms bend even during a jump, it just requires the most basic body coordination, most people can do it with no training at all on their first try. You can probably do it just standing up, jumping ahead and retracting your shoulder blades while bending your arms during the jump.
Lol.... and I can sit down to take a dump but it wouldn't be the choice of pose I would use for Thanos on the Throne. In the end it isn't a matter of what can be done, but what looks good in. 3D sculpt.

In the end this statue is suffering from two identities

Head and shoulders


But the forearms are wrong

And the lower body is this

There's nothing wrong with inputs, but there has been enough idiocy going on with the first XM Wolverine's arms hair that literally only took just a few guys to complain hard enough to prompt a change in the worse. Ergo, there is a thin line between constructive criticisim and plain straight up bulls--tting made up from thin air.
We all know who's who at this point of the game so when I see people complain about arms hair or face sculpt on an XM Wolverine and give a pass to the Brown Wolverine PF, that comes with no arms hair and pretty much the worst possible Wolverine portraits done to date, I just know they're trying to throw s--t around for the sake of it. And these people never - NEVER - end up buying the statue.
They wouldn't buy it regardless of what changes are made (case in point: all the drama about the new XM Cap's salute hand), while other people are putting their cash down for the statue, so the idea of seeing changes made on the base of a bunch of guys who cry for the sake of it ends up being detrimental to those who ACTUALLY end up buying the thing.

And mind it, I agree that his face seems to need tweaking in the chin/jaw area, but the face is the portion less visible in the pics. And I also want to see the other 1-2 head sculpts it will come with before judging, because they could be in entirely different styles. That's fine by the way, that's fair, not being convinced and point it out.
A whole other thing is to come out saying that the pose is entirely wrong because Wolverine is not propelling ahead like a damn rocket missile and because in random 2D comic book covers with forced perspectives and invented anatomies it looked different.
I would also love to hear what some people have to say about the Kotobukiya X Force Wolverine and the custom Marvel vs Capcom Wolverine that come with the same huge chin/jaw but have the Erick Sosa name slapped on them - I'd bet they would get a pass and a ton of praise, because, well, the merits of sculpts seem to be entirely ad personam nowadays.

Dude, I know XM will rectify things. Just like people say they love it I say it needs some TLC. I was a big critic of SS Brown Wolvie sculpt but now I love it. Just like your entitled to say its an abomination. Anyway, relax. We all love statues and art here.
Dude, I know XM will rectify things. Just like people say they love it I say it needs some TLC. I was a big critic of SS Brown Wolvie sculpt but now I love it. Just like your entitled to say its an abomination. Anyway, relax. We all love statues and art here.

Oh, no worries, I'm perfectly calm. And all things said, I do consider the Brown PF a more than solid alternative to any other Wolverine statue around. I'm considering it myself, it's a tie between that and the SS He Man, first one I find at a good price (possibly some auction) I'll try to snag.

But, what bugs me, it's not that Spidey is hellbent on a very specific pose. It's the whole argument around it that bugs me.
Like, the fact that the current pose is "not how Wolverine would move", which is plain false. The fact that "human body doesn't work that way", which is plain false. The fact that there is no single other Wolverine statue done in the pose he'd want, and the closest thing is the Hulk vs Wolverine diorama - which is not a standalone piece, but a diorama, ergo it's an entirely different kind of statue with an entirely different purpose and an entirely different structure that actually allows the character to be in a certain pose using the other character as a support (something you can't do in a standalone piece without it looking either incredibly weird or crappy). All this for a statue that he wouldn't buy anyway. He wouldn't, lol.
He doesn't seem so concerned about the fact that the Batman PF has the weirdest static pose I've ever seen with legs, torso and neck twisting in three different directions and making no sense at all - but that was done by Canale, so that's ok.
The X Force Wolverine done by Erick Sosa? Same open mouth with huge chin and jaw of this Brown Wolverine, but it was done by Sosa, so that's ok.
The Wolverine vs Sabretooth diorama by Sideshow? Both Wolverine heads have a very, VERY strong chin... but that's ok.

It's this sort of double standard paired with the growing tendency of "artists cheerleading" that ticks me. It's childish, misinformed and unnecessary.
Most artists around are grown up men, the big majority of them is very down to earth too, they know how to do their job and don't need people hanging from their nutsack to boost their ego.
"X guy did the Y statue!!!1!!" is the new "Grail", which was the new "Ex or fail".
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