Yavin Luke image thread

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Thanks Cocoboloboy... damn thats a hard name to type :lol

Geez-ow guys... why the huge whine fest over the past few hours. I know its hard to believe it but pictures never do the figures (except the aliens) justice. Despite the flaws he's still a good figure and will look nice in your collections should you decide to keep/order him.

If not then whatever, but no need to get nasty with each other...

And Josh, don't deride the Krusade for the...

Medieval F'n Kurgan!!!​

Felt good to type that again :D

Now can we get back to posting pictures?!?
jlcmsu said:
That's all I have to say on it. :)

How did I know that his wouldnt be the case. :D

I admire your loyalty Josh but I'm sure even you can see some faults in this item. Seems as though they rushed it out to me.
MaulFan said:
Just curious, where do you base that statement from, the product page features the same pictures that were up at pre-order?

Yes, and that's the problem.The pictures that have always been up are of a hand painted and seemingly more accurate/detailed likeness. Not the mass produced one thats a bug eyed/spray can caricature that I received or was put on display at the SS display at CIV almost the same day they started to ship. Go look at the Rebel scum site for the picts they took and tell me thats the same face that was/is advertised for that figure. We arent paying these prices for just a step up from Hasblo quality figures. SS needs to bring their "A" game to this line CONSISTENTLY and stop with the bait and switch preview picts. At least with Leia we've been warned. Do they do some things right? Yes, absolutely YES! But the disparity in the head sizes and likeness' over shadows a perfect lightsaber hilt sculpt when your dealing with iconic faces. Does HT sometimes do bad likeness' with poor paint ops like Ripley?
Yes, but the figure you buy looks exactly like the preview pict. You know that going in.
Rocky,Rambo etc all look like the preview picts. SS is the only company that consistently has a likeness issue.
Paint jobs can be fixed at least. I wish Sideshow would put more thought and detail into their attire.
Wow, this figure sucks. Looks nothing like MH pre-crash.

Guess this is another reminder of why I went to Hot Toys and Medicom for good figures.:D

Old Ben looks good, but knowing SS' factory paint apps, it'll **** up the whole figure unless you pay $50 for some painter to un-**** it.

And MUM, what the hell are you talking about? X3 Wolverine looks exactly like Hugh! If you want to see a bad Hugh Jackman headsculpt, look at the Marvel Studios 12" Movie Wolverine.:lol

Seriously though, even good paint couldn't save this sculpt. It looks more like that bedroom dwelling guy from The Benchwarmers than it does MH.:rotfl
The Drizzle said:
Wow. I'm not sure what's going on here, but mine (which arrived today) doesn't look a thing like the one pictured above; it's MUCH beter. Maybe this one is a particularly lousy paint job or photo?

While I agree that the production piece has its shortcomings compared with the final version, it doesn't seem all that bad. He just seems a tad bit wide-eyed, but nowhere near as much as the photo above.
Boba Fett said:
Wow... That looks really awful! Sideshow's two weakest SW releases beside each other. They look like cheap toys! I'm not complaining about your picture or set up or anything Boba Fett, just about those two SSC figures on the picture. I always found Han to be the worst SSC SW 12", and it looks like he's getting good company soon. I still have to receive my Luke, and since these 12" mostly look better in hand than on pictures, I hope it's going to be ok... But the Luke-Jacket-error (shoulder stitching) is unforgivable!
Seeing these two next to each other makes it very clear that there is a significant discrepant in the level of quality of SSC's 12" SW figures. Just compare those two to Mace, EP II Obi-Wan, Vaderkin, Qui-Gonn, Maul... With the exception of the freshly presented ANH Obi-Wan, it looks like SSW does a much better job on PT characters! Why is that? Since I like the OT more than the PT, this is a bit odd for me...
The jacket looks no better than Hasblo's and that deer-caught-in-the-headlights expression on his face is atrocious. The eyes are painted terribly. Looks nothing like Hamill. Can't wait to see our talented trio of customizers repaint this one. That is one sorry Sideshow release. I'm seriously thinking about sending mine back when it gets here. I'll wait for Tatooine Luke.
I don't think Sideshow can nail Luke's headsculpt. Their Jedi Luke's HS was one of the worst SS heads ever until I saw Yavin Luke. However, Yavin Luke's clothes and gear are nice!!!

No biggie, I took my GG headsculpt and BBI G1 body and put on SS's Yavin Luke's clothes and gear.

Do you guys think this is an improvement?


The only thing I see that bugs me so far is the way the jacket sits on him. The rest seems to be pretty solid.
I just opened mine and put him on the shelf. I think he looks like a good figure. Not great but good. That's what I have come to expect from Sideshow. Every once in a while they make something great. In my humble opinion my idea of great is Jabba and his throne. The only thing I don't like about it is the eyes. Brown? I don't know who mixed the paint that day but I hope he mixes no longer. Other than that I am very pleased with it. Now I am waiting on my first medicom ever! The Sandtrooper and it comes sometime today. :chew
madden821 said:
Well, I'm kind of glad I passed... not a lot of overwhelming support for him.

I'm glad I passed too. Wasn't too thrilled with the pre-sale pics, and all the in-hand pics so far look even more doll-like and toyetic.

Besides, I need to save all my high-end budget right now for my forthcoming RAH Boba Fett.
madden821 said:
Well, I'm kind of glad I passed... not a lot of overwhelming support for him.

Ditto. I'll still be getting *two* Lukes from ANH (Tatooine and Pilot) so missing out on something much less iconic and obviously not one of SS's homeruns isn't a great loss. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the repaints of Yavin Luke though.
TheObsoleteMan said:
Agreed on the HT muscle body, with no green on the bottom of the feet. :D

Well if you're going to go for that look, he should be wearing lil hospital shoes like he did to protect his feet on the dirt :)
Khev said:
Ditto. I'll still be getting *two* Lukes from ANH (Tatooine and Pilot) so missing out on something much less iconic and obviously not one of SS's homeruns isn't a great loss. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the repaints of Yavin Luke though.

WOW! I couldn't disagree more about the figure rerpresenting a non iconic moment. I mean that scene from the end of ANH is one that stands out. The march up to the princess and the music. Then the entire room pivots at attention to honor the new heroes. It isn't a homerun figure though. It is a good one. Once it is on the shelf with all of the others it looks great!