I saw this tonight and I really loved it. Despite it having that feeling of Nostalgia..no pun intended... from watching something I knew so damn well already.
The movie has it's faults though, namely the alley scene. It wasn't the violence, I had no problem with that... It was just that Laurie and Dan killing didn't really sit well with the tone of things or with the characters themselves. The added prison fight was fine, no issues there. I do think the heroes were too strong, but I don't mind. I know they were just trying to spice it up so people would have something to look at during the fights.
There were a few standout scenes that really were nailed IMO. Anything with the Comedian was GOLDEN, especially the bit during the riots. The psych eval with Rorschach was surprisingly emotional and his final scene was very well done by JEH, almost brought a tear to my eye. Dan attacking Adrian was also very well played, and the Dr Manhattan origin was probably my favorite. They took a character I just liked in the comic and made me love him. Billy Crudup really nailed it IMO.
And I wasn't distracted by the blue ^^^^, that didn't bother me at all either. To me, the movie was exceptional. The only downfall IMO was the alley scene, and an unexplained Bubastis.
One thing worried me though, my theater had only like 10 people in it. And that is opening night at 7pm. It should have been stuffed with people, but it was surprisingly bare. I'll see it again Sunday, maybe a few more people will be there. I was just expecting a full house.
But then again, my town is small and full of old people and religious devotees so I can see that they wouldn't give a crap about Watchmen.