Is this your first one with Sideshow?
Then no. If you were going to get customs charges it would have been several days after delivery for a bill.
I bought a original Iron Man Mark 3 today and I have to say I am very disappointed in the figure from the paint and plasticky feel to it. I wanted to complete my IM collection and the prices have been going up so I bought it but after getting it I made a video showing how much better the battle damaged figure is then the original. Here it is
Yeah it was constant bickering so I figured I would change my name and come back. But I still have the same group but at least this time in three other threads people stuck up and said the guys were jerks. That never happened before and I received a bunch of PM's asking me to stay and keep posting reviews and ignore the guys with nothing better to do then police me. So I won't even respond to them.
I've been doing up the original Mark 3. Weathering it with soot like the Kotobukiya that also helps camouflage the off colour waist.