D. Martin
Super Freak
A would completely PASS on an all-white ROTS clone. In fact, a clean, all-white "Phase II" Clone Trooper might be the one clone that I already know I wouldn't bother getting. They're not in the movie, so no interest here.
Originally, they only existed because Hasbro and the licensees needed EP3 clone reference with enough advanced time, so they made the initial ones all-white (like most EP2 clones). But ILM actually made the clones in the film more unique (with the possible exception of the ones on the ship in the beginning that can only be seen in a ball of flames for like 2 seconds). I hate that Hasbro produced so many of them (and just released one on a Vintage style card at that
kinda funny but true. The Clone Wars, being continuity, has given us a clearer understanding to the clone's armour customization, and I for one am all over it.