Just got off the phone with Sideshow about the magnet and stand issue. They knew about both and are sending me a replacement head/mask and pole. The rep said they received a shipment from HT of new stand poles, I guess there wasn't enough threading on a batch of the originals to properly screw into the base. Really pleased with there customer service with this being the first issue I had with an order.
Do you have to ship back the faulty stand and mask? I manage to make the stand work by forcing it and the mask stays on but seems flimsy like its about to fall off. i think I may contact SS to see if I can get replacements.
This figure is just so bad ass in person. I don't know that I've seen any photos that do it justice.
Have the pole issue and the faceplate is missing the side magnets also have a tear from a bad fold from factory on the cardboard on the base. I sent pics and emailed sideshow. I'll inform when they get back to me
Thank you guys! And I thought it didn't come with the sides I went by my mark 7 BD it has the center and side magnets
So its meant to have 3 magnets in all ?
So its meant to have 3 magnets in all ?