Sorry but I disagree.
Here are some captures of the "making of" featuring the practical suit.
Color is more maroon than candy red.
The color HT used is beautiful and very well applied, but not accurate.
So i´m not criticizing the beauty of the result. Just the accuracy.
Again, not bad intention in my crits. I like the figure, but would liked it much more with that tweaks.
I would liked to have a "perfect" mark 3 in my collection. Just it.
One more thing to comment is how HT really catched the rubber torso and panties part fading in the original figure compared to the practical suit captures. The should had recovered it for the diecast one
And regarding the requests and complaints of the old versions, why they changed the helmet top "square" shape for example?
01 by
inigou, en Flickr
02 by
inigou, en Flickr
03 by
inigou, en Flickr
04 by
inigou, en Flickr
05 by
inigou, en Flickr
Very interesting

Where you got the picture? Is there any guide or tutorial?