The Force Awakens - Figure discussion (with SPOILERS!)

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All I'm saying is he looks really cool, like phasma ,and both didn't do much and that's probably where the comparison is coming from.

Oh, I agree with you. I just wanted to add a little feedback to the other quote. Boba gets too much credit.
So, saw TFA last night. First of all, my theater was only half full, and I'm right outside Manhattan. Thought that was strange. Anyway, I'm old enough that I saw ESB in the theater. It is still to date my favorite movie. Now, TFA, I enjoyed. The Good: Casting. Really enjoyed all the performances and the chemistry the actors had with one another. I thought Ford was much better then in the last Indiana Jones movie. Loved the "real" sets and secondary/background characters. Also loved Ren as the spoiled, rebellious, troubled villian. Favorite scene; Rey discovering her powers, blocking Kylo's mind reading abilities, using it instead on him and revealing that Kylo is just a weak, scarred little boy. He'd be nothing if he wasn't force sensitive. Both actors very convincing IMO during that scene.

The Bad: Lacking heart. Dont get me wrong, it had some, but not enough. And maybe it will even grow on me b/c I liked Rey & Finn's chemistry. Scenes with Han & Chewie. Again, Ford did a nice job. And Mark Hamill, wow! Does so much with just a look. But, disappointing we didn't see more. #1 character I wanted to see. I thought he may save Rey from Kylo. As, I mentioned, I think Kylo is weak, but, I don't know if Rey would beat him at this early stage...?

Overall, glad to see Star Wars back. It's fun. And it will never live up to my childhood memories. I've come to terms with that. Looking forward to the future films.

Figures to be had: Rey & BB-8, Luke (hope he's made) and maybe Han if he's made and how well he turns out.

The theatre I went to in the Bay Area was also half full on a Friday night at 9 pm.

Overall I was disappointed with the story and the character motivation, but it was definitely better than the prequels. I loved all the callbacks to the OT, it was visually stunning and the character and set designs were perfect, but the story was lacking.
For all those thinking that Rey "picked up" on the Force powers too quickly, remember... There was no safety buffer or step by step given to Luke when Ben begins to train him. He famously tossed him the sabre and said hey, this thing was your father's see what you think of it. Just a short while later he got him BLINDFOLDED and asked to defend against the Attacks of the remote. It's not about leaning a corse of study, it's about TRUSTING your feelings, FEELING the Force, ALLOWING it to GIUDE your actions and obey your commands.

Luke's issues, which were actually brilliantly brought out in ANH, were that he was too tied to the mundanities of his life, bogged down by his Uncle's philosophies and pragmatism to allow himself to "let go". Later, with the death of Owen and removal of all to which he was previously tethered, he swings in the opposite direction. His thirst for adventure, excitement (a Jedi craves not these things) similarly impede his deliverance to the nature of the Force to the point that Yoda fears he is untrainable. These personal elements within Luke are some of what makes him such a compelling character.

Now, flash forward to Rey. She is an absolute NATURAL. she is PATIENT in her meager situation on Jakku , putting up with a demeaning job and boss waiting for her family, she is CALM in the face of great danger, she is DESCIPLINED in all that she does and in the way that she's taught herself so many technical skills. With all of these qualities (and extreme hotness on top of it all), and the Force lineage that we'll soon see, the real wonder is that she's not already at MASTER level.

Keep in mind, there wasn't always a Jedi "Academy" at the top of a Jedi temple on Courasant. There had to have been Force sensitive individuals who came before who built all of that. I think Rey could be the new Chosen One with Luke as the new Yoda...
Keep in mind, there wasn't always a Jedi "Academy" at the top of a Jedi temple on Courasant. There had to have been Force sensitive individuals who came before who built all of that. I think Rey could be the new Chosen One with Luke as the new Yoda...

Pretty much. I'm guessing the title of TFA refers to Rey's force sensitivity being ignited...
Before I saw the movie last night (my wife and daughter loved it) I had kylo on preorder because of his cool design. Glad I did, but now the rey, bb8 two pack are a must have. We know hot toys will release multiples of rey and kylo, but I want them all, just like Vader and Luke from the OT.
Kylo Ren is Jacien Solo who went on to be Darth Caedus and Rey could be his twin sister, Jaina Solo.

If Rey was Ben's twin, I just feel like we would have seen more emotion out of Han Solo. I mean you could tell when he looked at Ren, that was his son (even though they mentioned it). I think that Rey is Luke's daughter. It makes sense that he would hide her when the $*@! hits the fan and his new Jedi order is wiped out. Also, even though the X-Wing helmet she put on, on Jakku wasn't Luke's, it had "V" on it which was part of Luke's call sign Red V. They could still work Mara Jade in via a flashback or her mother could still be alive. My guess is that she is dead. Luke was also standing near what looked like a grave on the island. Its hard to tell if its just a rock, but it looks almost like a tombstone. Either way, we have 2 years to speculate :)
She looked old enough to had some sort of training....recalling pandawans in the Jedi temple in RoTS

Not sure her sudden skills with the Force have to do with training in her early life. To me, she has a strong connection to the Force and grabbing Skywalkers saber kind of triggers her abilities. Her resistance to Ren interrogation demonstrates she is awakening to the Force as she is able to read his mind and she may have retrieved more information about what the Force can be used for (ie: Mind trick on stormtroopers).
It also put Kylo's abilities in perspective. He is indeed powerful as shown in his first appearance on Jakku but his emotional unstability can explain his inconsistent showings throughout the movie.
If Rey was Ben's twin, I just feel like we would have seen more emotion out of Han Solo. I mean you could tell when he looked at Ren, that was his son (even though they mentioned it). I think that Rey is Luke's daughter. It makes sense that he would hide her when the $*@! hits the fan and his new Jedi order is wiped out. Also, even though the X-Wing helmet she put on, on Jakku wasn't Luke's, it had "V" on it which was part of Luke's call sign Red V. They could still work Mara Jade in via a flashback or her mother could still be alive. My guess is that she is dead. Luke was also standing near what looked like a grave on the island. Its hard to tell if its just a rock, but it looks almost like a tombstone. Either way, we have 2 years to speculate :)

Im pretty confident Rey and Ben are not twins or even brother & sister
As I mentioned my theory is :

Poe and Rey are brother & sister. Read Shattered Empire. Poe's parents went to live what it looks like from the last scene in the comic that its the same planet as Maz's temple. They settled down there and Luke gave them a gift, one of the last remaining Jedi Trees from Coruscant. I think Luke had to hide Rey once the Dark Side came back with Kylo. Was he her father, i am not sure?

Also Poe's mothers name was "Shara Bey". Gotta be a reason then she's named Rey, right? Poe's mother was also one of the best pilots in the galaxy... Then Poe becomes a great pilot, and now Rey is a good runs in the family.

They marketed Shattered Empire as the Prequel to TFA. There has to be more importance to it is what I am thinking.
Im pretty confident Rey and Ben are not twins or even brother & sister
As I mentioned my theory is :

Poe and Rey are brother & sister. Read Shattered Empire. Poe's parents went to live what it looks like from the last scene in the comic that its the same planet as Maz's temple. They settled down there and Luke gave them a gift, one of the last remaining Jedi Trees from Coruscant. I think Luke had to hide Rey once the Dark Side came back with Kylo. Was he her father, i am not sure?

Also Poe's mothers name was "Shara Bey". Gotta be a reason then she's named Rey, right? Poe's mother was also one of the best pilots in the galaxy... Then Poe becomes a great pilot, and now Rey is a good runs in the family.

They marketed Shattered Empire as the Prequel to TFA. There has to be more importance to it is what I am thinking.

That's a pretty good theory...I like it
Im pretty confident Rey and Ben are not twins or even brother & sister
As I mentioned my theory is :

Poe and Rey are brother & sister. Read Shattered Empire. Poe's parents went to live what it looks like from the last scene in the comic that its the same planet as Maz's temple. They settled down there and Luke gave them a gift, one of the last remaining Jedi Trees from Coruscant. I think Luke had to hide Rey once the Dark Side came back with Kylo. Was he her father, i am not sure?

Also Poe's mothers name was "Shara Bey". Gotta be a reason then she's named Rey, right? Poe's mother was also one of the best pilots in the galaxy... Then Poe becomes a great pilot, and now Rey is a good runs in the family.

They marketed Shattered Empire as the Prequel to TFA. There has to be more importance to it is what I am thinking.

I really hope that theory is untrue. The hero of Star Wars should always be a Skywalker IMO.

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