Super Freak
So what do you call the same people who complain day after day for 15 years about the same thing? Normal?
I hate to point out the obvious, but this is a message board for people who collect collectibles, and a major segment of this community collect Star Wars collectibles. So of course PT discussion is going to pop up on a daily basis, when Star Wars fans are talking about Star Wars stuff! But I doubt that anyone here who's got problems with the PT is actually talking about it, in real life, day after day. I certainly don't complain about it everyday to the people around me. I'll make the occasional jokes about it but I haven't had a proper real life discussion with my friends about the PT for years. The only PT related thing I get up to now is responding to you.
I'm 90% sure they weren't joking.....
I'd be willing to bet they were. It seems like 50% of off topic comments on this board are jokes.
Three threads in three days or the same hate comments for fifteen years. Hmmmm.... yeah, seems pretty clear who the obsessive ones are.
Like I said, the most PT action people get up to now are probably passing references on Star Wars forums.
Aside from the first ten minuets, the rest of Terminator was pretty much perfect. 9/10 from me.
Glad to hear that you liked it

But hey, continue making your snide little comments about me and what I like. I know how much better it makes you feel. Just sad you have to continuously follow me around bashing every little thing and yet nothing is done about it.
Anymore I guess you just post to get a rise out of me.
Like I said, this happens because you've made a name for yourself overreacting and going out of your way to defend three movies that a lot of people don't like.
Not that hard to notice the same people over and over again.
I told you multiple times (maybe you have hard time remembering), the bashing gets so annoying and I don't care if people hate the movies or don't think they are good. I'm not sure how many times I have to repeat this. At least the tenth time.
You responding to these people only drags out the bashing and makes the conversations longer. Just skirt around it! It's not that hard, really.
No, its me, so everyone has to pile on.
And it's comments like that that have got you your reputation for being a PT martyr. Stop playing the tragic hero and people might start to take you seriously.