All this talk of waiting...I am committed to learning no more.
There is already too much out now, and too much open speculation, so I am just waiting and seeing it raw.
Speaking of first times on BB, back when that came out, some really cool guys ran the local theatre, and they called me to come see it with them the night before at midnight, with the employees. The manager sat with me even, and we talked of figures and whatnots just before it started.
Then, when it did, they cranked it up really, REALLY loud, like a concert. Loudest movie I have ever been to. When the explosion rocked Ra's monestary I actually felt concussion against my chest. No lie! The music was impossible to miss (and my brother later said he couldn't remember it when he saw it...which floored me...) anyway, that remains one of the great times I ever had seeing any movie. I was more excited than ever, due to it being a new Batman movie, and was ready.
I'll be ready this go round too.
No way this will be a halfway experience for me.
Also, there is a shirt I wear. I've only worn it five times before. It's my Frank Miller Dark Knight shirt I bought from a Vietnam vet that ran a comics shop back in 1986. He died before the 89 movie even came I only have ever worn it at first showings of a Batman movie. I started with the 89 and last wore it at BB. I will retire it after this movie, being as finally, my Dark Knight shirt has made it to a real Dark Knight movie. So, I am very excited! Can't wait to don the classic shirt once more!
I think I'll cut the front off and frame it....