The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
Re: Batgirl - Written, Directed and Produced by Joss Whedon

Joker should be allowed to show fear, especially fear of death. He's human after all.
I don't think the Ledger Joker would be laughing if someone else foiled his plot and threw his ass off that building. Can't imagine him laughing if the mob teller or a GCPD officer got in a lucky shot.
Hmm...the fearless Joker has been done before in the comics, like in TDKR, when he kills himself and laughs. Or the time Scarecrow sprayed him with fear gas, and it had no effect on him.
I'm not sure when it started, but I do prefer a fearless Joker. That's become a recurrent trait in modern comics and in the animated movies and video games. It's almost like his superpower along with his superhuman tolerance to the comics. In a way, a Joker who feels fear is probably more grounded and realistic...which is ironic, considering the "grounded" Joker in TDK is the least human in that regard.
As far as Ledger's version not wanting to get killed by someone else other than Batman, it depends, he had no problem with Harvey killing him either. I don't think the Joker (TDK) would laugh if the bank teller killed him, but I don't think he was hiding from him out of fear either. To him it's probably some kind of game, and he's not going to let someone unworthy beat him. It has more to do with pride and his ego than fear probably.
Did Batman get his ****ing eye gouged out??
Yes, the fight was brutal. They destroyed each other. Joker even carved a giant smiley face on Batman's back with two large knives as the eyes. Batman destroyed the Joker's face and bit off his ear in anger too. Joker also burned Batman's mouth.
The problem with Snyder's "Slasher" Joker is that he loses his appeal. He becomes another gross, hyper-violent maniac that appeals to the "edgy" crowd. Morrison set the stage for that, with his HyPERsanITy version, but Snyder just went full-on "Killer Clown". I've said it before, but the ideal, for me at least, Joker should be a Dean Martin/Frank Sinatra-esque character. Still a villain, and sometimes a maniac, but one that operates with style alongside a certain '50s flavor. Coat, hat, vest, all of that jazz. Joker's charm comes from being sometimes aloof and goofy. Turn him into a complete monster and... eh. I'd rather they keep Joker a tad "campier" and turn someone like, say, Professor Pyg into the "coMPletE manIAc".
The problem with Snyder's "Slasher" Joker is that he loses his appeal. He becomes another gross, hyper-violent maniac that appeals to the "edgy" crowd. Morrison set the stage for that, with his HyPERsanITy version, but Snyder just went full-on "Killer Clown". I've said it before, but the ideal, for me at least, Joker should be a Dean Martin/Frank Sinatra-esque character. Still a villain, and sometimes a maniac, but one that operates with style alongside a certain '50s flavor. Coat, hat, vest, all of that jazz. Joker's charm comes from being sometimes aloof and goofy. Turn him into a complete monster and... eh. I'd rather they keep Joker a tad "campier" and turn someone like, say, Professor Pyg into the "coMPletE manIAc".
you just described the 10 minutes we've seen of this guy:
My joker is a guy that wears womens underwear and a diaper underneath his suit and has a secret crush on batman. A joker that sleeps with his henchmen just to show them who is boss.
A joker that wears make up because he likes crossdressing.
Thats a good joker
I'd be scared of that Joker.
The fact that you would associate that with Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra...I curse your name, Zach. I curse your family. I curse your home. I curse the world!
My joker is a guy that wears womens underwear and a diaper underneath his suit and has a secret crush on batman. A joker that sleeps with his henchmen just to show them who is boss.
A joker that wears make up because he likes crossdressing.
Thats a good joker