Really nice, man.
Great to know I don't need to have him repainted. lol
Has anybody with any futzing/photography skills gotten this figure yet?
Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback. all I wanted to do is show the rest of the guys on here that he's an improvement.
I ain't sure why "Vortex" took offence to my photographs or futzing skills lol
But this guy is a legitimate improvement,
New favourite hot toys batman
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Quick photo in better light, you can see how much lighter the suit is![]()
Hope it doesn't offend anyone's eyes
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Quick photo in better light, you can see how much lighter the suit is![]()
Hope it doesn't offend anyone's eyes
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He's definitely huskier..great pics Creasy![]()
Thanks man, appreciated coming from you!
I'm really impressed with him
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Curious is it just the angle of the pics but it looks like his legs seem more stubby or shorter. Please prove me wrong
He's more muscular pronounced on his top half and bottom half, but it still leaves you with a big gap in his costume to his inner thighs-just like the original.
It's as easy fix I just ain't got round to it, havin too much fun with the cape.
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Ha ha little did you know that when you purchased this figure you became an unpaid member of the Hot Toys PR Team...yikes! Thanks for the awesome pictures though!
now when is sideshow shipping him out???! All these pictures is making me impatience. Haha
nov 2017 - jan 2018
Ouch he looks incredible, hope he doesn't ship that late
He's more muscular pronounced on his top half and bottom half, but it still leaves you with a big gap in his costume to his inner thighs-just like the original.
It's as easy fix I just ain't got round to it, havin too much fun with the cape.
Arrgh are you kidding me, he looks scrawnier in the legs after allwell hopefully I can figure out how to fix it when I see it in hand