Super Freak
Stoked to see this one being released!!
It looks absolutely amazing! 

In the video review that DarkChocobi posted, it kinda looks like HT made the shirt and pants into a one-piece. My guess is that there's yet another unnecessary layer of padding over this Luke body (as with HT Farmboy and Bespin versions). So, the one-piece suit is bigger/bulkier than it needs to be in order to fit over the torso padding, and can't be simply tucked tighter if it is indeed a one-piece outfit.
I just don't understand the repeated use of padding for Luke. It makes sense for FA/TLJ Luke, but did '83 Hamill (as seen below) look like his figure would ever need to be made bulkier? Strange choice, IMO.
Ok so a couple issues I see after watching the unboxing video.
1. The belt is Velcro and overlaps in the back. Not screen accurate at all. I guess they did it to accommodate the extra bulk when wearing the vest but could’ve been done with an extra belt notch.
2. The copper part of the light up saber is fatter just before the emitter just like the FX sabers so not screen accurate either. The hilt by itself that does not light up looks fine but it’s still not as good as the sideshow original saber when it comes to accuracy. Guess I’ll have to finally buy a cold cathode.
These are SS sabers. So glad I kept mine.
It doesn’t look terrible but they could’ve done it much better.
That does look pretty terrible... but I'll never pose in a way to see it. At least its user-friendly. They should get their electronics to work as easily.
Looks like there may be a run on Medicom Jedi Luke as well for that relaxed gloved hand. It’s a little small but much better proportioned than sideshows banana hand.
Yup, you're right... A big fail in my opinion...