Star Wars: The Acolyte

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This show is so awful I almost feel bad for making fun of it now.

some of the arrogance from some of the ones behind it keeps me from feeling bad. some of the shaming and attacks to anyone that were disliking it. they can't ever admit that something was bad. always attacking fans. always denying reviews, don't forget how some of this goes back to the last Jedi. yes I will never get over the last Jedi drama. star wars could have been saved back then.
there was never any chance for a honest debate. if you disliked sw you were wrong. you were bad.
it is too late now.
some of the arrogance from some of the ones behind it keeps me from feeling bad. some of the shaming and attacks to anyone that were disliking it. they can't ever admit that something was bad. always attacking fans. always denying reviews, don't forget how some of this goes back to the last Jedi. yes I will never get over the last Jedi drama. star wars could have been saved back then.
there was never any chance for a honest debate. if you disliked sw you were wrong. you were bad.
it is too late now.

The gaslighting is irritating e.g. running for 'cist complaints etc. The fawning media - probably because they are biased, poor writers, or simply crib from each other's stuff - and certainly the showrunner, will never say:

"Yes, in hindsight, there was a lot about this that was pretty dumb. I wish I had had time to let the script rest for a year, and come back to smooth some things out".

The Marvels and BP2 didn't fade away either because of women leads and 'cists. Bad writing. Attempts at style over substance.
"Serviceable" actors either not being well directed or cast for the wrong reasons. This show has gotten credit where credit is due, but you can't blame people when poor Lee Jung-jae gave it his all, but isn't single-handedly able to save self-insert narcissist dribble:toilet_cl . Any more than capable actors like Oscar Isaac and John Boyega could erase the whole "they fly now" and screaming at Rey etc.:stake

At least the careers of the actors hasn't been affected, except for Ms. Jiggle, but she's rich so it doesn't matter.
certainly the showrunner, will never say:

"Yes, in hindsight, there was a lot about this that was pretty dumb. I wish I had had time to let the script rest for a year, and come back to smooth some things out".
Yep. George Clooney won over pretty much everyone on both his performance in Batman & Robin and the film itself by openly falling on his sword, even for stuff that clearly wasn't his fault. Sure the film is still laughably bad, but because of the attitudes of all involved it's bad in a forgivable, even dare I say endearing way.

But no, Disney LFL has learned *nothing* from the Rian Johnson TLJ social media debacle and continues to double down on gaslighting, insulting and outrighting hating their own fanbase. And as we've seen since TLJ, once you make it personal those fans will *never* come back.
All they had to do was hire writers who even knew what Jedi WERE.

This franchise is about a long-running intergalactic war. A war spanning thousands of years. Its just not the place to address certain social issues, any more than you would expect to see a conversation - or ten - about Department of Defense spending/allotments in a "Sex and the City" movie. Its just not the appropriate milieu, and this out-there conversation is not relevant or interesting to your customer base.

I am really tired of these giant media companies thinking that the public is comprised of complete fools. We're not children.
Yep. George Clooney won over pretty much everyone on both his performance in Batman & Robin and the film itself by openly falling on his sword, even for stuff that clearly wasn't his fault. Sure the film is still laughably bad, but because of the attitudes of all involved it's bad in a forgivable, even dare I say endearing way.

But no, Disney LFL has learned *nothing* from the Rian Johnson TLJ social media debacle and continues to double down on gaslighting, insulting and outrighting hating their own fanbase. And as we've seen since TLJ, once you make it personal those fans will *never* come back.
it's hard to admit a problem when you don't even think you did anything wrong.
which is the problem with marvel and star wars. "everyone else is wrong, they are attacking our property on bad faith, they didn't get it. our project is perfect "
the simpsons adult GIF

All they had to do was hire writers who even knew what Jedi WERE.

This franchise is about a long-running intergalactic war. A war spanning thousands of years. Its just not the place to address certain social issues, any more than you would expect to see a conversation - or ten - about Department of Defense spending/allotments in a "Sex and the City" movie. Its just not the appropriate milieu, and this out-there conversation is not relevant or interesting to your customer base.

I am really tired of these giant media companies thinking that the public is comprised of complete fools. We're not children.

that's what happened when you try to get a new audience that wasn't interested to begin with. they wanted some new viewers. while not respecting the existing canon or existing audience.
like with The Marvels.
Haven't bothered to look up LH interviews - but the article quotes in this vid show not only is LH's head stuffed with half-baked ideas, she was completely unable to bring any of them to screen in a manner where the audience - much of whom was already immersed to familiar with SW or Filoni's work - would even be able to follow what she thinks she was trying to say.

Yep, it's garbage. There's no reason Torbin should feel that guilty. Indara sort of turns her head as she offs the witches, which may have meant nothing, but sure looked similar to a 'wee force choke just sort of imitating a broken neck. Even Grogu uses gestures why wouldn't I think the same?

And on and on. People becoming one with the Force don't turn into smoke, that sure looked witchy to me. And why would a Jedi Master strike at the Force? Are we saying Sol couldn't tell? Well, why not, he couldn't tell the twins apart even tho he had this big connection....

This show blows. What a waste of some good actors. :stake :Flush The vid is probably right tho, there'll be a season 2 just to spite us.:devil
View attachment 713370

What does Sol need to be redeemed for? :confused:
Right... so the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker's fall and redemption, that is the basis for the entire SW saga is to be mirrored by one of the characters (not even the protagonist) in a few 20 minute episodes. Do these people even listen to themselves, do they hear what they are saying?
Right... so the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker's fall and redemption, that is the basis for the entire SW saga is to be mirrored by one of the characters (not even the protagonist) in a few 20 minute episodes. Do these people even listen to themselves, do they hear what they are saying?
I hear the sound of unsold HASBRO toys hitting the bottom of a giant dumpster, to be recycled into Frisbees for the Skyhoundz World Canine Disc Championship.

Fast Dog GIF by Dayton Flyers terror, and then are suddenly silenced. I feel something terrible has happened.
I Am Trash GIF by PBS Digital Studios

They never did explain why the wookie was drawing lesbian squiggles on his walls either; guess it was because the EVIL witches scramble your brains, so these EVIL child abusers deserved to have Indara take them out.

This has been a master class in how to write something so everyone is rooting for the supposed bad guys. It's like a horror movie where the characters are so irritating you hope they all get eaten.
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It’s too bad that The Razzies are only for movies, because otherwise this show would sweep most categories - worst show, worst screenplay, worst actress (Mae/Osha chick), worst supporting actress (Zucchini Jedi), worst original song, worst editing, etc., etc.. At least with some Razzies LH would’ve been remembered and received the recognition that she so richly deserves. Instead she’ll (hopefully) be soon forgotten lol.