Hot Toys MMS 692 + 693 BATMAN (1989) 1/6 scale Batman 2.0

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I honestly think the people that are bad mouthing this 2.0 are the ones that already have the DX09 and are mad it’s now devalued due to the rerelease OR the people that are salty for paying resell before the 2.0 was announced.
Errr. This is a stretch man. That oatmeal suit is a big let down, as well as the faceplates and flat yellow belt (glad they used ratchet joints though!) I say this as someone who gladly sold my dx09 a long time ago here on the board with high hopes for this release to improve its flaws. Presently I’m satisfied with neither so I cancelled my preorder. It’s my opinion to have. To insist those who aren’t happy with this release as just having some salty ulterior motive seems a bit juvenile and closed minded. You see this release one way, some see it differently. There’s no “foul play” lol.
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If you're willing to wait a bit and pay for shipping from Australia, Popcultcha still have both the regular and deluxe versions. Sugo have the deluxe only, four left.
The benefit waiting for Popcultcha to get their stock in is they will be the later batch with the corrected suit.
You really think they would
The benefit waiting for Popcultcha to get their stock in is they will be the later batch with the corrected suit.
you really think they could fix something already entered in production? 🤔
you really think they could fix something already entered in production? 🤔
It is possible and it would not surprise me to see later batches have a slight improvement.

Now HT are very unpredictable so it would also not surprise me if they do nothing about it.
If it reaches their radar with enough complaints is the only way, it’s happened before, it’ll happen again, why not with this?
I doubt they'll do anything about the suit texture because if they do, they'll open a whole can of worms over people potentially being entitled to refunds or replacements.

They'd basically be admitting to selling people a defective product.
Yeah, the texture isn't a big enough inaccuracy for them to even consider bothering with adjusting imo. But I guess we'll see.
They acknowledged their own failures on Batman Begins & Rami Spider-man mid shipment, fixed both, within the past two years. But they’ll only do something if pushed by the majority, everyone complained about the glossy Begins suit, everyone complained about the awful Spider-man sculpt.
They acknowledged their own failures on Batman Begins & Rami Spider-man mid shipment, fixed both, within the past two years.
True. But those are far more popular than 89 Batman. More folks cared about those issues and made a huge stink about it that couldn't just be ignored.

I really don't see that being the case with this figure.
Wild to think Batman 89 is no longer the staple it once was, but it seems to be the case, even TDK isn’t as talked about as it once was. I never understood this way of treating the classics, it’ll never get better than 89’, 05’, & 08’.
Same thoughts. I noticed the nicer cape and the Eyeballs I guess are better...BUT THAT'S REALLY IT!

I feel the same way about this and Bespin Luke. It's seems like a step down.
I try to remain fair and balanced, even as I know my bias for the 89 Batman movie largely overwrites my nitpicks. These are expensive figures and we should demand and expect the very best bang for our buck.

That being said, before this figure was announced, I was constantly hearing about the DX09 complaints.

"The body can't hold a pose worth a damn."
"The cape is total garbage. It's a trashbag."
"The emblem is oversized and too circular."
"The PERS system is junk."
"I hate the hatch on the back of his head."
"Some of the mouth pieces have fitting issues."
"The mouth options are weird. He looks like he just ate a messy hotdog."

I have my issues with the 2.0 so far, but it sounds like we're getting
- A body with ratcheted joints
- An improved cape (not all of us are up for grabbing a custom)
- A tweaked emblem
- Improved rolling eye system that eliminates the hatch
- some improved mouth pieces with better fit.

Yes, yes, I want perfection, but I honestly don't mind the suit texture too much. Even the original DX09 had a bit of that issue, even if the 2.0 should have remedied it instead of emphasizing it even more.

While I don't have the space for it and ultimately passed on the Deluxe, I also think the diorama and gargoyle display base is INCREDIBLE and should provide some great display options for collectors.

This is a longwinded way of saying I don't think this is a straight downgrade. It's not. However, it's not a homerun either. To me, it feels like two steps forward, one step back. I can easily see why some would prefer the DX09 or hold onto theirs, as the improvements may not be substantial and the new issues can be dealbreakers for some.

But not for me. I missed out on the DX09 and I'm happy to have a second chance to get my favorite Batman into the display without breaking the bank, with more poseable options at my disposal. Granted, I'll give my honest opinion once I have him in-hand.