Hot Toys - Joker - 1/6th scale The Joker Collectible Figure

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I haven’t read it, wasn’t planning on seeing it in the theaters really.

I was 50/50 due to having three kids and having to be more choosey when it comes to what I see in the theaters. When I heard about how poorly the reviews were going, I was too weak to not spoil myself but I'm glad I did.
I was 50/50 due to having three kids and having to be more choosey when it comes to what I see in the theaters. When I heard about how poorly the reviews were going, I was too weak to not spoil myself but I'm glad I did.
Are you able to post a spoiler here with the spoiler tag? I’d be curious to know something, I’ve done zero real research on this film.
Wonder if both INART and Hot Toys is cancelling whatever plans they probably had for the second movie.
Wow that’s hilarious, no way Todd used $200 Million for that.
I’m probably the only person here that still has some hope for this sequel lol.
From what I heard the reviews/ratings were similar when the first movie came out, but they improved when it hit theaters.

I really enjoyed the first movie even though I had absolutely no interest in watching it till like the beginning of last year.
even though I had absolutely no interest in watching it till like the beginning of last year.
Oh man you missed out, back in 2019 this was epic. It’s a shame no one struck when the iron was hot or gave it the proper sequel. The alleyway scene and theme were so good leading up to the deaths of the Wayne’s. Joker surviving the crash, great high at the end of it walking out of the theater for me. Why on earth are we getting a musical. I didn’t love this film and all of its choices, but the last 30 minutes captured my attention in a big way, hoping the sequel would give us more of that, instead it’s a court series?
Oh man you missed out, back in 2019 this was epic. ... great high at the end of it walking out of the theater for me.

Nick walking out of theater in 2019...


A musical... why'd it have to be a musical?

Ever have an instance where a sequel to a movie has killed all interest in the overall franchise? Reading about how this new movie plays out has me bummed and seriously considering cancelling my order of this figure and just eating the deposit charge.
Isn't that how most sequels work? Sequels are a funny and tricky thing to get right, and in many/most cases they don't work very well in celebrating the brilliance of the original predecessor film. Of course, there are many exceptions, but in general a sequel is the awkward clumsy younger sibling of the original, if not the outright inbred monster child of the bloodline. The latter being the clear studio cash grab where there's nothing (no story) to build on apart from a namesake franchise-creation selling point.

I didn't like The Joker enough to want more from it. In fact, I found it to be interesting at first and for most of its acts, but then it dwindled into a derivative disappointment by the end. The final act didn't hold me very well. The film was fine as a single viewing experience, but I'd never sit through it again - I tried once and it didn't work. I'd be forgiving of a sequel that picked up on what was established in the first film and took it into a new direction. As a concept The Joker is malleable and flexible for experimental/artistic re-imagining because there was nothing in the original that needed to be extended or elaborated on to give us more of the same. The Joker was a finite one-off kind of experience that never needed a sequel or an artificial franchise building. It's like having a Taxi Driver II or Apocalypse Now II. I imagine even fans of The Joker were never hungry for a sequel.
Nick walking out of theater in 2019...

A musical... why'd it have to be a musical?
It’s so dumb, you had the sequel lined up in front of you. Show the chaos and aftermath of the first film, could have picked up that same night, no one asked for a court case and routine asylum check ups, what is this. We’re devoting screen time to watching Arthur get his daily hot shave. Literally what is this.
It's a movie about 'mental health' first and foremost, according to Phillips.

I would have liked to have seen Joker thrown into Arkham... treated cruelly (so Todd could make his point about the treatment for the mentally ill)... and then simultaneously the Joker is igniting a revolt... which ends in a super riot and mass escape for the finale.
It's a movie about 'mental health' first and foremost, according to Phillips.
That was the last one, I can’t watch another showcasing how difficult it is to live with an uncontrollable laughing condition. I thought you had to live through something to be The Joker, both Nicholson and Ledger look like they were chewed up and spit out but had a backbone enough to do something about it, Phoenix is on his whole woe is me and it’s insufferable quite frankly, I don’t need two films of that. I need him revealing in his deeds with not a single sad emotion in sight. I need to see that transformation, the embodiment. It’s not there, it never took hold, wrong guidance.

We don’t want to see hallucinations, when have they ever seamlessly worked or been worth the deviation of time spent from the over arching narrative at play?
Seems like half the budget went to advertising this movie. $200M does sound ridiculous compared to the first movie.

Oh man you missed out, back in 2019 this was epic. It’s a shame no one struck when the iron was hot or gave it the proper sequel. The alleyway scene and theme were so good leading up to the deaths of the Wayne’s. Joker surviving the crash, great high at the end of it walking out of the theater for me. Why on earth are we getting a musical. I didn’t love this film and all of its choices, but the last 30 minutes captured my attention in a big way, hoping the sequel would give us more of that, instead it’s a court series?
I did hear about the hype this movie made when it first came out, but I just wasn’t interested in watching it. No clue why.

A sequel to this movie was already a strange choice, but then making it a musical? Yeah, I’m not sure what Todd was thinking. Judging from the trailers it won’t be a typical musical though.